Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bump pic, 33W4D

Another day, another gram of baby fat! Well, that's not much of a saying, but oh well.

More baby progress. She is definitely getting bigger because I can feel my breathing changing, and I have to make and effort to breathe deeply. She is pushing up and kicks the crease if I slouch at all, so the baby is now my posture police.

Sleep is hit or miss, but usually once I fall asleep I am in good shape for most of the night. Generally things are progressing well and I am still feeling good. I have adjusted to my two prego workout buddies either being too prego or too post partum (ha!) to join me anymore and I am finding my gumption to attend aquafit and do yoga by myself. I am tucking in walks here and there which give me lots of time to visualize the baby's head as I feel enormous pressure down low when I'm on the move for a while!

I am eternally stuffy, but usually I can breathe alright so no real complaints there.

My job has posted the ad to backfill my job while I am away so I am getting more attention from arm's length colleagues who might not have known I was growing a new person and planning to hit the bricks. Work has bee super supportive and cute and actually some folks are planning a work baby shower for me, which is a surprise and very sweet of them! Also I have been scolded a bunch for finding out the sex before birth, not sure why that is the case! No one can answer me when I ask either, why are you scolding me!? They just repeat themselves, so I guess no one ever asked them to explain themselves before! hah.

Rob and I are nesting and looking forward to bringing baby home and hoping to have a nice situation for her. I have had dream of a bonus baby coming as a surprise, always another girl! In the dreams we are both extremely happy about it and are making a big production of sharing the news! Weird.

Depending on who you ask (I never ask anyone) I am a "good size" , carrying small, or very large. There is another pregnant woman in my office and she is due 2 weeks before me, our bumps get compared a lot. Depending on who you ask ( I never ask) I am smaller, the same or bigger than her. Science at work! We've had a few comments of "wouldn't it be fun if you were in labour and delivery together!" and I think, fun for me because I'd be going early, not so much for her!

Next check up is early next week. At some point we will start weekly check ups and meet the other 2 docs that round out the on-call team for delivery.

Possibly there are other things going on in my life, but who cares? I barely do and I'm living it.


1 comment:

K said...

Seriously, doesn't it just consume you? I love that you're embracing it.