Just a quick update for the newest pic. I'm at 31 weeks and feeling pretty darn good. We found out that the baby is in breech position just now, but there's plenty of time for her to shift.I hope she does soon, it will be a comfort knowing she's in the right spot as she bulks up in the home stretch.
Also it turns out that I am group B strep positive, which is not a problem, just a thing. It's a bacteria we all have, I just happen to have lots, or it's somewhere it usually isn't or something (clearly needing to pay more attention to the doc!). You can look it up if you are curious, but the end result is, I have a choice to accept 2 doses of antibiotics during early labour which will make its way to the baby and immunize as she's born, protecting her form infection as she passes through my birth canal.
Even though the chances of her getting sick are low, I'm going to opt in to the antibiotics. The only part of this I'm less happy about is if my water breaks and I don't go into labour right away, or labour fast enough, the docs will want to induce to minimize chances of the baby being infected in a non-sterile environment. I'd rather avoid induction, but oh well. It's definitely common and not a serious problem at all, so we'll just roll with this one!
Speaking of rolling, I can feel different types of movements now, including shifting and longer drawn out movements. Not just bump and pushes. So that's neat. Also I can feel around and when my belly is soft (not in Braxton-Hicks) I can find her and poke her personally, not just generically poke my belly as before. We haven't started any games playing of pushing back and forth but usually when I pus on the top part of my belly I'll feel pressure inside on the bottom. Reminding me she's not that small a baby anymore!
Every day of gestating is a good day, and one day closer to having her home. We're acquiring things that we think we'll need and hoping to have enough to be ready to take the best possible care of her when she's here.
My exercise buddies are getting too pregnant/about to deliver to hang out with me at the Canada Games Center now so I have to devise my own regimens and self motivate. I want to keep up with everything to help me sleep and deal with the added weight and all that.
To aquafit and away!
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