Monday, April 28, 2008

Netfile Idol

Hey, so if for any reason you check out the Netfile tutorial on QuickTax or wherever you do your taxes, you'll notice that they using my name and whoever Chris is' name as their demo couple! Yeah! I felt so special, and sure that they chose my sweet name (spelled right!) because I was the first, second and third person to come up in their "who shall we randomly tax check this time generator?" I win that lotto enough on my own, so I feel a shout-out is just, and in order.

It's cool and rainy here today, so we left the windows cracked all night and got to hear the storm AND have a big pile of blankets so we could wake up super cozy. Awesome. I love rainy days, there's something wonderful about mandatory inside days.

Since the opossum sighting, we have also watched a 30 pound (minimum) raccoon go to town on birthday cake in our row of garbage cans (camera out of batteries) AND I accidentally intercepted a landing Canada Goose, who whacked me upside the head while I was on my bike. We were both very surprised, unhurt (I had my helmet on! First impact its protected me from!) and exclaiming. It was funny and I was sad there was no-one there to see it with me. Seems like a one-off experience.

My thesis is coming along slowly and I try not to project too much with it because that makes me really anxious. I have set some goals page-wise for every day, so I'm really hoping I can stick to it so I can have a schedule, and make enough progress to be able to make further plans, like moving (where, when, how, all those good questions). I'm feeling the pull for something different, but I also haven't been on a holiday in two years, a long time for me, an so my idea of where to move has probably been influenced by that. We are hoping to take a bit of a vacation before we move to wherever we actually go so that may help with me making reasonable decisions/demands.

And now it's ten a.m. and I have to really start my day! Seems late, but we;re on afternoons and I likely won't be in bed until after 12 pm. I always think I"m going to try getting up early and going to bed early, but I hate to go to bed without Rob. I did it last night though and I apparently survived/slept, so maybe I can make it happen. We'll see!

Time for some granola and some tea, and then some exercise, then on to make my thesis bettah bettah bettah!


batman said...

I just snorted tea through my nose reading about you and the goose colliding! My coworkers were asking what was so funny. Did you fall off your bike? Did you just keep riding? WTF?? SO funny!

Captain Underpants said...

I didn't fall off my bike, but I definitely stopped on a dime and said something..the goose was honking and honking and seemed really pissed. I was pissed because you can't hit a chick in the head with a goose and then also hiss at her. Those birds are altogether too large for my comfort.

Definitely a close encounter with the who's who of the hinterland.

Anonymous said...

"you can't hit a chick in the head with a goose and then also hiss at her"


Good thing we have a mandatory bicycle helmet law. And all these years I thought it was for protection against close encounters with pavement. Apparently I was wrong!

Author said...

hahaha! goose collision! what are the odds? hilarious :D