Monday, September 24, 2007

alrighty then

First of, congrats to T for guwessing the show from the last posting. Little Britain was such a good series. I watched it with Rob online. And now we're quoting to each other like mad, saying stuff like:
Mebbe I shouldna eat this herrre yoh-gert, Bubbles"
"well, you looka like a hippo, don't you darling"
(see show for correct accents)

and other endearing things. I love it.
Now I'm finishing up Dead Like Me online, which is a sure shot that I'm doing thesis stuff, hooray! I just cut out part of it that would have made my thesis very cool but a lot more annoying, so that's good, sort of. Away to fall prey to the machine though. The saying is "don't do it right, just get it done" or some such thing. Nice.

Another bit of good news is I got an emergency last minute TA position! This means serious bankroll for an unemployed girl, so take that, next semester's tuition (probably) PHEW. I wasn't meant to get one but I had someone on the faculty on my side so that was good. The course sounds TA intense though, a third year physical and socio-economic special project class on impact assessment, which I don't have a lot of eperience in. However, as I always say while knitting, fake it till you make it! I'll have 4 project groups to supervise with regular meetings and classes to attend every wednesday morning. I find out today if it conflicts with my Thursday garden volunteering. Wish me luck, undergraduated can be freaking intense, especially with the grade grubbing. As you might have gessed, I'm a cold hearted bitch when it comes to crap like that. It's like feeding the dog from the table: IT WON'T HELP YOU SUCCEED AND YOU MAY GET HEARTWORM. Anyway, I try to be funny and fair so hopefully that ocunts for something.

In other "news" such that it is, I've taken ther juicer for a spin, and she is POWERFUL. I've made cider twice, which never even lasts the day. I made veggie juice too, with beets so I was peeing pink there for a bit too. It's pretty freaking fun to use and the clean-up is okay. I plan to juice apples like mad to freeze fresh cider. I've been lucky and through the garden I volunteer with, I can source organic produce of every kind so far this season, which is awesome (basically at cost since it's direct with the farmer). It's good to know the farmer is getting a competitive wage, is selling bushels of their stuff and I'm not paying anyone to transfer the food to a display basket. I'm getting together with people I know and we're planning ton making bulk orders together to make it worth the farmer's while.

I'm doing okay filling up the freezer, which I was afraid of, but once the apples, pears and grapes make their way in I should be just fine. I keep worrying that I don't have enbough spinach or something put aside, but then I think RELAX. I think about food all the tie. I genuinely think I like the aesthetics of preserved foos and ghe acting of putting food by more than cooking. I feel more...triumphant eating a cheap, local meal than say, excited for a nice stir fry. Weird, I think, but it keeps us fed for not too much.

Anyway, other than that, canI just say how freaking ocmplicated and annoying it's been finding a particular yarn ina non-garish colour for sale? I"m testing something else out that I hope other words, I'm knitting. Also, I'm trying socks again only htis time with bigger yarn and needles and it's true, I only didn't like it for the lack of freaking progress so things are going better.

I have homework (!!!) so I'll check in later on. Have a good week!

1 comment:

batman said...

What a random post - I love it! Dropping part of the thesis is probably a good thing for your sanity. After two years you probably will just want to get it done. My thought anyway.