Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm the only gay in the village

Points to whoever can tell me which show the title quote is from.

Sooooooo. Been a while. Weekend at home was fun, it was just me and my sister for the first time in years and years. And, superbonus, I was able to spend some time at the cottage too, which wasn't expexted. Then a week happened, then another weekend. I'm not too good at the re-capping! The new master's students are in so I'm officially a second year. We've been hanging out to get to know some of them and they seem cool. And confident!

Things I have purchased or made recently that are contributing to my overall happiness (and maybe yours too):

1. Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World (I have made, cookies 'n cream, cherry chocolate, chai latte, toasted coconut with coffee icing, peanut butter. All with complimentary icings. It's a very, very good book) Also, none of them have been made fully vegan.

2. A juicer! A juicer! I wanted a juicer but they are so expensive, soI've been on the fence about getting one. Then, in a flash of brilliance (or absence of stupidity) I cehcked my local kijiji. So, new awesome juicer, clean, perfect with manual for $25. Here I come veggie juice, apple cider and nutrient rich mornings. This thing taked whole fruits people!

3. I made three scarves and a hat [these pictures aren't me, they just represent the stitch patterns I followed] [then I couldn't find a picture of the hat, but it has cables and is nice]. The hat is super cute but is supposed to have a pom pom. I'm still on the fence about it.

4. Bernardin's Book of home canning. 400 recipes! So far this season I have made cherry jam, preserves, apricot jam, preserves, juice, 3 kinds of pickles, pickled garlic and grape "jam" that didn't jell. This book is awesome.

5. I bought wholesale organic produce straight from a farm (almost) so I've been freezing peppers, and greens like chard and collards and kale. Hello healthy winter, here I come.

I guess that's all I can think of. Short read today but it's a school day, you understand.



batman said...

I was so happy to see a new post from you today - yay! Now we just need one from Sylvia....

You have to tell me that scarf stitch pattern again. I can't remember it but want to try it out. Ideas for Christmas knitting are actually floating around in my head... I haven't knit anything for Christmas for a couple years so it's a little strange. I obviously need to get back into crafting (knitting, scrapbooking.. whatever)!

Captain Underpants said...

Heya! it's the 'my so-called scarf. It's awesome becasue it's just a stitch pattern, not a design so it's not stealing! Plus it's the same every RS and then the same every WS, so it's super bus/passenger/mellowing over a movie friendly. Here you go:

•US 11 Needles
•Darning Needle

•psso-pass slipped stitch over
•P2tog-purl 2 together


•CO 30 stitches

•Row 1: K1, *sl 1, K1, psso but before dropping the slipped stitch from the left needle, knit into the back of it* repeat until there is one stitch left, K1

•Row 2: *P2tog, do not slip stitches off the needle, purl the first stitch again, slip both stitches off needle*

•Repeat rows 1 and 2 until you run out of yarn.
•Weave in all ends.

Check out a stitch dictionary for the slipped stuff if it's new (it was to me, not too bad once you get hte hang of it). Also, I searched online and found out how to weave in ends as I go along, which means NO TAPESTRY NEEDLE. That was worth it too. Yay knitting!

Anonymous said...

all that canning - do you feel like you live in upper canada village yet?

seriously though, how cool is that. Homemade pickles are the best, especially in February. Good for you!

Sylverrr said...

Hey M,
I did some canning myself today. I made your salsa, I havent tried it yet, but it smelled really good. I made it a little spicier and I added some cilantro to it as well and I think it turned out nicely. I will let you know. My jars are cooling in the spare bedroom so miss kitty cant tip them over while they're ceiling. I am so excited :)

Author said...

LITTLE BRITAIN!!! I miss that show... no cable :(