Wednesday, October 10, 2007



In the past little while I got to do some fun stuff! I did my first 5k "run" a few weekends ago. It wasn't really a run, because as you may know, I don't really go there, but I did the race on my longboard. I felt badass for sure carving corners in the suburbs of the Wellesly Apple Butter and Cheese Festival 5k! It was cool, except 2 days later when my right (pushing) leg seized up from my hip to my ankle. Ah well, it's the price you gotta pay.

We got fresh roma tomatoes, onions and butternut squash from a local organic mennonite farm and we made salsa. Yum.

I went home for thanksgiving and ate very well as usual. The culinary highlight: we tried the Tofurkey kit and it's VERY VERY good. It comes with apple cranberry dumplings and gravy and it all really rocked. Taste and texture, people!

An open note to the household cats:

Dear cats,

I love you. But if you start whining for your food any earlier in the day than you do now, I will kick your heads in.



Next up: Oktoberfest weekend with the fam! We're going to have a vegan bratwurst and vegan beer sausage BBQ out back. Should be scrumptious. Oh, not forgetting the local preservative free and non-pasteurized beer. Life is good.

Thank the Great Pumpkin it's finally getting colder. Autumn is the season that justifies all my freaking hobbies, so this is a time of great excitement/fulfillment for me. Very good. Ummmmmmmm, what else?

Not much at the moment. I'm knitting like mad these days which is very gratifying. I'm working on a sock for Rob. It's a tube sock since I still don't understand heels, BUT I have found a tutorial on YouTube which should get me over my issues. I mean, knitted tube socks?

Rob is constructing a drum kit in the office which is nice for him but a little iffy for me. He plays when I'm not there but holy hannah, our place is cozy! Ah well, such is life and I'm definitely responsible for my share of clutter. I'm just happy that neither of us are dedicated butter sculpters or something. That would be expensive, on a bunch of levels.

I have come up with a business for myself to do with knitting and recycled yarns. It's called Rewind (tag line: be kind, rewind). I'm having fun thinking of how it will work. Don't steal my idea okay? I'm attached. I think I can collect stuff and sell at the festivals Rob and I attend for his stuff, and I think I have other options for a low key, hobby-business which I can maintain for the freaking fun of it. Yee haw!

Everybody know what they plan on doing for Hallowe'en? My friend is having a super fun party (as she does every year) and this year they are also putting on a play Oct 27th is it? whichever day the saturday is). Let me know if you wanna party in the "loo this year, though costumes are required. We have a fancy double futon and two loving, squirmy, furry cushions for ya. ( and real pillows, I was kidding about the cats. mostly). I htin kmy costume will be fantastic. I had apow wow with my family and they brainstormed me up a doozy. It required knitting and saran wrap which, in my mind, is already the making or a real winner.

until next time peeps.

1 comment:

batman said...

Did you drink a lot of caffeine and/or eat a lot of sugar right before posting? You are CRAZY!