Sunday, June 03, 2007

beat the heat

Things we are doing to feel better since out apartment s super humid and hot:

1. Making jug after jug of iced tea, with actual tea bags (!!!). Now I am putting in a red rose regular, an an herbal raspberry or something to vary the flavour. Super delish, and super cheap. Therefore: perfect.

2. We took steps today to ramp down the pressure we live under by being ablock away from the local DQ. We bought ice cream, then Reese's pieces (no longer at DQ), skor bits, peanuts and dark chocolate fudge from Bulk Barn/the super market. We're now making our own blizzards and peanut buster parfaits, and it's a rousing success. Rob said it when he was like: I like how we just acknowledge that we're gonna get this stuff no matter what, so we may as well make out own than just go to DQ. Heh, touché.

3. Smoothies. We use frozen berries, some dessert tofu for protein, some nuts sometimes, milk or water, and whatever fruit is getting past its prime. Does me up for breakfast nicely.

4. I have started a mini garden on the back porch. I planted lettuce, peas, carrots, spinach, chives, mint, oregano and basil. Maybe other stuff, I can't remember. All in little tubs or two new plastic planters I just got. Did you know you could get bags of Compliments organic topsoil for $2.50 / big bag! Perfect for growing my little PD organic seeds. Yessss.

5. We are going to borrow a fan. I'm ready to resort to blowing kisses so that I don't have any extra heat near my body, so this might be a nice change ;-)

6. I guess that's it for now. Bring on the rain!

have a great week all

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