Thursday, June 07, 2007

back on the wagon

I picked up the needles recently and have decided to finally start the Fugl sweater/jacket I'm so enamored with. Even though I collected enough second hand and new(through second hand stores) wool to do it, the main colour I found was not the one I wanted, and it was in kind of ratty shape. So, unprecedented for me, I went out and bout both the needles I needed AND the rest of the wool I needed too. Usually I'm totally against buying new wool, sinple because it's too expensive for me to enjoy knitting, but since 1/3 of the stuff I need was scavenged, and I really want this to turnout well, I feel good about it. I have the body done up to the belly buttn about, though I changed the colour pattern a bit. It feels good to be back on that!

Also, it look slike we are in the dreamy state of thinking baout our next trip. It ws too early before, sicne we had two years here, but tht time is dwindling, and the hazy future is looking more plausable. And, and time a lease is up, I consider it a sign to go out and do something. Hopefully somthing different than I'v eever done before, but like I's hazy ;-)

School is good. I went to a green building meeting yesterday and my sister is helping me out with her mad research skills and her plum job connection, so I feel better about it than ever before. And my dreams have gotten less weird, and less stressed, so hopefully that's a good sign. Sad to say, not much else going on over here. Rob's got some nice gigs lined up which is great. We're hopin go go camping hte weekend after next. Things are good. See ya!!!

1 comment:

batman said...

i'm impressed with the knitting mojo you pulled out of who-knows-where.. it's warm out! i've got absolutely no desire to knit, though i will admit that i hardly had any desire this whole winter past. ah well.