Friday, June 08, 2007


Hey, my last post was my 200th!

It's back to hot hot hot weather here. The reprieve of downright cool and rainy weather was much appreciated, but short lived. My plants are starting! My little heads of lettuce are going to have to get thinned since all the seeds seem to be sprouting. My pessimistic side planted a bunch just in case. well, PC organic seeds seem to be pretty good for coming up!

We got the newest Feist, Modest Mouse and G-Love (On Jack Johnson's label) album recently. Normally we don't buy CD's, but we decided to bring in a stack of CD's we don't listen to at a local buy-sell shop. They give you 20 percent more in store credit. They took a pile of the cd's, maybe 2/3 and offered us a $57 credit! We couldn't believe it, but I guess we were lucky. So, three albums later and an $18 credit left. We can trade that in for $15 in real money if we want, so it's a good deal. The leftovers will go to a local pawn shop for whatever they'll give us. Yay clearing extra crap out WHILE making a little green too!

I have an ongoing value village pile. I went through the records, the plates/glassware *still have lots left, I guess it's a weakness), clothes and other bits and bobs. I hope to keep adding to it and paring down the extra paraphernalia we have kicking around. Our apartment is small and always looks busy, which is fine because that's us but at the same time, we don't really need to cart around every little thing we've collected. The more I look around, the more I see that's a nice little thing, or a convenience, but I wouldn't miss it if it were gone. Like the rotating pencil holder thing. I have something I like that's small and does the trick. It's fun!

I'm becoming more intrigued by people who go on long holiday trips with only a regular backpack. No luggage. Sounds awesome eh? Just a carry-on and you, no airport struggles with baggage and waiting, and a light freedom that comes with being totally mobile at any time. I guess that's harder if you are camping, but I'll keep an eye on it. I hope that if we transition to travelling planning on staying in established places the whole time, that we'll consider day pack travel. It sounds so good. I guess you wash your underwear out every night and bring/buy travel shampoos and stuff? I'll have to read up on it. I guess I have travel on the brain. C&M are considering an awesome trip next summer that sounds amazing. I think that as long as I defend in a reasonable time in spring (and not dragging through the summer), we'll do something too. And maybe move, too. Try somewhere new. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Try somewhere new, eh? I'll admit that I'm slightly afraid to make outlandish and humourous suggestions because you might take them seriously!

Good on you for thinning the 'collection'. It's soon time to do that here, once we officially get the green light that my grandpa's stuff has been picked over by everyone in the family.

Captain Underpants said...

hey, suggestions are suggestions! let's hear'em! I always take what you say seriously ;-) Seriously, any thoughts? We're kind of htinking coastal, or within striking distance, but not necesarily canada. though, maybe! dreaming is fun though, way more fun than logistics and this "reality" I'm always hearing about!

Anonymous said...



Captain Underpants said...

well, I try to be a never say never kind of girl!

If I end up in green housing advocacy or something Kanata might be the best place to be ;-)