Friday, May 25, 2007

Flamingos to adopt

As Jason Kottke so artfully put it "Admit it, you already knew that flamingos were gay".

This article is short and sweet and describes a pair ofmale flamingoes (together six years) who were known to try and chase off other pairs from their eggs so they could raise them. When a nest was abandoned the males were chosen as the adoptive parents. They've bonded witht the chick and produce mild for it in their throats (!!!).


Goddamn, I love nature.


Sylverrr said...

That is pretty damn cool!

batman said...

i was going to say something very stereotypical but i won't. you know that i love the biology-ness of your post and of that article. stuff like that just amazes me.

shelley said...

that is a great story! biology and nature is amazing. we can learn a lot from animals...

also, yes, i would love to have Rob at the fundraising event! I think it would be great to have lots of people involved. when I get details (hopefully soon!) I will definitely keep you guys in the loop.

and thanks for the congrats! :))