Friday, January 14, 2011

-39 and OMG

Ah, did I miss this weather the last two winters? Where was I? It is currently so cold the very moisture in the air is freezing in place to create Ice Fog. It's creepy! It looks like Mississippi humidity except it's instant frostbite. Cars that are plugged in are freezing. That is to say the chemicals in batteries are freezing! Spooky.

Outside the fog, it is beautiful outside. It amazes me that people and animals survive out there, and have survived out there. I guess some don't.

Rob had the car out at lunch to warm it up. he parked and had it running in idle, and within 3 minutes the engine cold light was on. I didn't know there was such a thing as an engine cold light.

We have a warm house, chili in the crock pot and warm snuggly pajamas, but holyhell baby it is cold outside!

I just know how bad all of you want to move here, so I'm letting you know of the situation so you don't feel so bad for living down south. I like to feel helpful.

Whitehorse: "It's finally the soul-hardening winter ice-planet-Hoth wasteland you always imagined it was"
(is it bad I feel really excited and kind of gleeful about this? Is it funny to remark our southernmost community is enjoying -50 degrees Celsius right now? )

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