Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How Modern Society Is Trying to Kill you

Okay, maybe that's dramatic but I just learned something shocking about something regular...something that's IN YOUR CUPBOARDS RIGHT NOW!

Did you know an ingredient of table salt is sugar? SUGAR! Go look, it's on the ingredients list nestled between one of several anti-caking agents and/or iodine additive.

I mean, I get that no one eats enough salt to have a sugar OD, but it's one of those things. Why not have salt whose only ingredient is salt. Why do we need to add sugar to the salt? Why have the extra processing, the extra calories and the dental corrosion? Salt, which if saltier would still be fine. Or possibly even better. Apparently this happens with sea salt too. Salt, like pepper, is something I never thought I would have to check ingredients on. It ought to be a single ingredient. Even in this day in age, for pete's sake.

Just the universe reminding me that there is no such thing as one ingredient unless you grew it yourself, and hen refined it yourself and probably packaged and marketed it yourself too. Somebody out there is trying to add a freaking ingredient to middle-man up the ante.

Anyway. Everything is fine. I just...Sugar. In the salt. What's wrong with us?


Alan said...

I'm just waiting for someone to tell me that there's salt in the sugar as well. That would blow my mind.

but seriously, I didn't ever think to check the ingredients on basic staples either. I'm going to have to take a closer look next time I'm in the store.

K said...

Interesting. I'm curious how you found out... did you just look one day?

Sarah Ivy said...

Kosher salt is the way to go. We use it all the time, and it has a much nicer flavour.


Sandro Rybak said...

ok after i read this i had to check it out, so i went to the kitchen and checked all kind of salts we had but non of them was containing sugar. even the bathing salt had no sugar. maybe your theory is wrong or you're buying the wrong salt...