Monday, May 03, 2010


Hey peeps.

It snowed all last nigh and allll this morning and we had accumulation! It's melty now, which is a wee bit of a bummer, because I had the pre-Christmas shivers all this morning and it was so nice! I brewed up tea and wore snuggly clothes (not atypical anyway) but it felt really nice. I miss winter.

But summer's coming, it's a good season up this way. But still. Summer's no winter.

I just bought Hannah Georgias' album on iTunes for $6.99, which is a steal. If you don't have it already, I recommend it. If you are not sure, you can pick up a track of hers as this week's free iTunes track. If you get the free track then the album, iTunes is smart enough to recognize the duplication and warn you about it, but not delete the duplication. So, whatever that's worth.

I am a month behind on my daily 5 year journal. It's a spiral, the more I don't do it, the more I can't do it because the catch up will be so excruciating. But, I'm always pissed off when I get to a point where the last years entry is blank, so I know I have to bring my work agenda home and fill in as many blanks as I can. I can see myself filling in crap about what we had for dinner. That has anthopological value, right? hah.

First world problem!

My seedlings are coming up, but coming up spindly, so I need to get a breeze on them and get them exercising and getting strong. It'll be a bit before we transplant to the garden plot (thanks for the reminder, snow!) and I want the head start to count. Right now I'm on the look out for growing potatoes in pails or something beside the plot, so they don't take up as much room. Any free suggestions? Otherwise I have to buy Rubbermaid buckets, which makes them less economical to grow.


Request: I have chapters gift cards to use up from December. I can't seem to decide what I want to get. I know I plan to buy Gayla Trail's gardening in small spaces book. What else should I get? I have about $50 total to burn and I want to max out for the free shipping.

I don't usually buy novels or read-once books since I go through them fast and sloppily, I and don't re-read often. So reference books like cook books, DIY/how-to books, what kind of thing go over well. I don't know. Any recommendations?

Thanks guys, you're the best :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A coworker of mine is growing potatoes in a burlap sack ... she's not here today, so i can't ask for further details ... I'm sure you can find it on the internet.