Hard to imagine time has passed and I am finally full term, with a fully ready little baby inside just finishing up whatever she's doing before putting us both through an excruciating and lengthily labour and delivery and coming home with us!
Generally everything is going well still. Still with the nerve pain in my arms which I won't miss and the carpal tunnel, but hte nightly massage sessions with Rob are helping. And I've started using tensor bandages at night to help as well.
I'm getting tired in the afternoons and have dropped to half days at work starting today. It's glorious to come home and have the option to work on baby stuff, read about baby stuff, or lie down. Work might be a little sad about it but it's all good. Just wrapping up real loose ends and finishing up my "how to" guide for my backfill and truly just caring less and less about it all as each day passes.
I want to spend more time with Rob and really enjoy this period of rest and prep and the last time as a twosome for ever.
The weather is improving, although snow yesterday was a drag. The sunlight is back.
The baby has dropped one cm and has engaged with the pelvis, so she's on her way down. I am definitely feeling more pressure down below so I'll be interested to see if she's shifted any more on Tuesday, at our next check-up.
Yay baby! So baby bingo, who's in? She's due April 13, I was two weeks late, Rob was 2 weeks early. I was huge (10 lbs 7 oz) and rob was normal (his mom can't remember, which means average!). What's your guess on birthday and birthweight?
Could be tomorrow, could be 4.5 weeks form now. Last day before induction likely is April 23rd or 24th ish.
**ETA** I am making a google calendar to track baby bingo guesses. Anyone know how to post an image some way to share this with you visually? Also easily? This will be a fun activity while I put my feet up and watch my sock line divots recede one evening :-) Thanks for playing folks! I think I will have to think of a prize for the winner!
Oohh I will play! I am going to say 8 lbs 6 oz, and born on April 14th.
But I would be happy to loose baby bingo if she decides she wants to meet us earlier ;-)
You look fantastic M!
I'm playing too! I'm guessing she wants to share Mama's birthday and will be 8 pounds.
I agree with Sylvia - you look fantastic! Half days sounds like a good deal to me. Enjoy your afternoons.
Whooo hoo! You're almost there!
My guess is your due date, April 13th, with a weight of 8lbs 1oz.
Not totally sure how to share the image, but I imagine you could do a screen capture when on the calendar, and save it as an image. Or, you could just share the calendar with all of us with our email addresses.
My guess is April 17th, 9lbs!
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