Friday, January 13, 2012

27 weeks

Heyo! 27 weeks, coming along nicely. I had my monthly check up at the doc's and the doc's assistant casually mentioned "oh, I guess Christmas and New Year's happened" as she weighed me in.

Yeah, thanks for that!

I'm all good, still healthy, the baby' heartbeat is good and strong and she's moving around. Still not tonnes of movement every day, but always something here and there, and some days she moves a lot. I love every bump and tickle from her!

Also, I am in the third trimester! Excellent! In the bottom left corner of the pic you can see the box of cloth diapers my friend gave me, the first part of what will become our stash. Yippee!


Anonymous said...

Um, is it wrong of me to want a photo of you posing with your head in front of those antlers in a way that makes it look like they're coming out of your head? lol

K said...

Glad you're feeling well!

(T, that made me giggle!)

Anonymous said...

My midwife said the exact same time! At least Rob doesn't take pictures from the angles that will ensure you look the roundest. For heavens sake Pat, back the camera up! Cheers to 27 weeks! Liz