We've been walking into town every day. This involves walking around the airport and down a huge set of stairs (or sliding down a chute, basically, depending on which part of town we want to go to)> It takes us about 30 minutes and s a lovely walk. There is a board built into the stairwell so you can roll your bike down, awesome. I guess it's worth pointing out that Whitehorse is built on the floodplains of the river, and the airport and our neighbourhood is up a cliff above the town.
Across the street from our place is the Beringia Centre, an ice age interpretive centre. The first morning Rob was here he looked out our bedroom window and asked me "hey, are those wooly mammoths across the road?". And the answer was yet, those are mammoths. I love this place.
Tomorrow is the start of the Yukon Quest dog race. It's a 1000 mile race between Fairbanks Alaska and Whitehorse. The start alternates each year, and htis year the start is here. We are meeting up with Auntie Pat for coffee in the morning and then going to see the dog teams off. We'll take pics and videos for sure.
Today we went into town to print off and drop off a couple of resume's for Rob. Wouldn't you know someone loves him...so on Monday he's off to see if he's a good fit at a downtown daycare! He loves the idea, they seem to love him and if all goes well he'll be starting right away. They do paid training too, so keep your fingers crossed for that. Not bad for two freaking resumes dropped off, considering I've dropped off like over 25 and have only just got a couple of hits this coming week! There is a chance that by the end of next week we're both employed, wouldn't THAT be nice for the next rent!
Anyhoodle. It couldn't be more beautiful. It's like -30 every day but I walk around in my snowpants and I am not the only one I'll tell you that. We found a great bakery where we can get a fancy tea and and a coffee for $4 together, which is nice too.
No way to post pictures on this weak link, but will do ASAP.
Later gaters.
1 comment:
You got a place!?! And Rob is there!?! That is so exciting M! Did the cats come up too? It all sounds so exciting, I cant wait to hear the rest of your stories.
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