Saturday, February 21, 2009

Non news

Because I'm bored. Thank Al Gore for the Internet, because other wise I'd be very very bored. 

This morning Rob woke up with a fever and sore throat, achy body and chills. Fun for all! I suited up and walking into town for soup and juice and ramen noodles and jello and applesauce and hard core extra strength drugs, because whatever nutrition can't cure, multi-national pharmaceutical companies sure can. 

Well, I can't wait for fitness to overtake my sedentary body, because walking always wins out over buses and cars for me and the trip around the airport, down the 222 steps (I counted this time), down the hill and through town, then enough.  Lovely walk unless you're carrying kilos of liquid like a pack mule through the freaking Andes. Hallelujah for condensed juice and soups, let me tell you. 

So on my way home, after the shop and after the stairs (conquered!) I was making my way back around the airport. There was some kind of non-commercial, grey and angular fighter plane (based on movies and my imagination) doing laps over the airport and across the mountains on the other side of town. It was moving very fast and it was very loud. It left sheets of yellowed exhaust as it banked hard corners, turning almost completely sideways. I think there's some kind of big air show in town soon, so I'm guessing it's part of that. Unless Whitehorse is declaring secret war on Yellowknife or something. It was cool to see actually. 

Other than that things have been quiet. Rob says the daycare gig is going well. That's probably where this bug came from, since I'm fine with blaming all illness spreading on children, what with their less-than-awesome hand washing. It has me regretting that we didn't buy that futon from Wal Mart, since we don't have our sleeping bags here and I have to crawl into bed tonight with Mr Infected. Should be fun times trying to minimum-breathe and avoid touching him at all costs. Bonus feature: due to his fever it should be toasty warm and very comfortable despite having the heat turned down. 

I had a job interview yesterday. I guess it went well since they want to pay to put me through a short course next week. No talk of a contract though, or a definite job description as of yet.I suppose it all comes in good time.  There's some back story to this whole job thing, but I know my Dooce history. Suffice to say it should be interesting. 

This weekend is Rendezvous. Today was a holiday and the whole weekend has stuff like world class snow carving, pancake breakfasts, can-can dancers, turn of the century (last, not present) costumes and drinking. Apparently there are snowshoe shufflers...can can dancers in snowshoes. It's supposed to be a festival celebrating the longer days which, 100+ years ago were sufficiently  long and warm enough to allow trappers and miners in the Territory to make their way back to town to sell their stuff, get drunk and solicit prostitutes. Let's party!

Nowadays, there's still stuff being sold, drinking and I'm willing to bet prostitution (and strippers in town for this event only) but also kids events and other stuff that reminds me of Winterlude. I'm looking forward to checking it out, and hoping Rob is well enough to let me abandon him to his devices. Which, if today is any indication, will be sleeping, drinking water and coughing up phlegm. Woot!

I know I owe you pictures, which I do have on my camera, it's just we managed to buy slow internet, so I have to do it when I'm not entertaining myself on youtube. We all have upload and download limits and I have no idea how hard youtube will ding me on my monthly allowance. I'd check my usage except NorthwesTel hasn't sent me my code in the mail yet, so I'm sure fun times are to follow when I get that bill. 

I plan to get a library card and take out a pile of books and dvd's. You can keep them out for 28 days and you can take out 28 books. Guess what the overdue daily fine is!  $0.02. $0.02! Thank you small town! Hah. Apparently when you hit $6 you're in trubs. So, U of W's dollar a day fines can kiss my butt. I'm gonna go and take what I can carry home. Now I wonder what the selection is like?

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