Saturday, November 08, 2008

Short Lived

Well, I got my edits back today. A bunch of stuff that probably seems more daunting then it is. I have to write at least 6 more complete pages plus a bunch of paragraphs per chapter and add citations. All my favourite things.

Anyway, it's part of the process but this is the zombie thesis that will not die. I blow its head off but it just keeps coming back.

I sincerely feel like I won't want to celebrate when this thing is done. I will just want to move the fuck on.



Author said...

Hey M,

I'm going to share a story with you my Honours Advisor shared with me ... it might be long winded, but you'll probably get the point:

So, there's this zen master and his student. The Master tells his student to go and climb the highest tree in the village. The student does so. He climbs all the way up to the very top of the tree -the entire climb is daunting and dangerous - while the Master remains silent at the base of the tree. As the student is approaching the bottom of the tree, only then does the Master tell the student to "Be Careful". The student is confused, and when he gets to the bottom asked his master why, only at the bottom of his climb, when he only had a few meters to fall as opposed to tens of meters to fall from the top of the tree, did he urge caution. To which the master replied, "The ending is the part of the journey which requires the strongest discipline because when we are so focused on the completion, it is difficult to focus on the steps required to get to that point."

Did that make any sense? I hope it did. I just always think of that story when all I can think about is how much I want something to be over already - it's not the destination, it's the journey - and you want to be present for every step of that journey, lest you fall.

LOL - Sorry, I'm feeling a little zen these days! :P

Just focus on the task at hand, I'm certain you'll finish with a product you can be proud of. :)

Claire said...

Hey Marianne! Well, I'm not going to be able to offer anything better than the awesome story up above, so I'll just say good luck! The last edits are the worst, but just think of how much thesis work is behind you as compared to what is ahead of you. There was probably a point not too long ago when you would have KILLED to only have 6 pages, a couple paragraphs, and some grammar and citation edits left to finish.

Anyways, I hope you can feel excited about your thesis again sometime soon!


Sarah Ivy said...

zombie thesis! nice analogy.

Keep up the great work !!!

Claire said...

Hi Sarah!! (since you comment here, I know you'll read've been ignoring my emails!...I want to know how you're doing...definitely send me an update!)

Also,'s time for a new update from you is everything going???