R's on the afternoon shifts, which means so am I. He gets home around 12:20ish at night, depending on the weather. Well, massive snow falls all day today and into the night = massive opportunity. We just got back from a midnight snowshoe around the neighbourhood. The roads are a foot deep, people have been plowing and shovelling all day and you can't even tell.
It is the most beautiful part of the winter, and my favourite part. I get that happy and content swelling in my chest anbd I'm so excited to take advantage. I seem to measure personal success with how much I take advantage of fresh snow fall...and the stuff that hasn't been plowed yet. It's SO NICE and I am SO LUCKY to take advantage. A rare perk of R working late....we're the only ones in the street usually and it's gorgeous.
Hooray for snowshoeing...I'm hoping tomorrow I can convince R to go skiing once the cars and plows have packed the roads a bit...wish me luck :-)
1 comment:
hooray for using those snowshoes!
We didn't get near that amount of snow yesterday but it's coming down now...
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