Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Shopping spreeeee!

A little Clone High humour there.

So, we went hog wild on Kijiji and bought a futon and a chest freezer this week. The futon I've mentioned. We've been wanting one for a while now and it fits in the office perfectly. The chest freezer I've been looking into it for a while, since I'm involved in a couple of farms and having frozen veggies I get end-of-season is so nice and so much cheaper, I wanted more than our fridge-freezer could handle.

There were three listed online, we picked one out, made an offer and bought it. We hope it lasts. They used it only a couple of months a year for Christmas cookies, so we hope it works all season. We shall see. And, by basically total luck, it fit in right beside the new futon with not a centimeter to spare. See? ( Yes, it opens, it's not flush against the wall for ventilation and room to plug it in).

So, that's awesome. We think it's perfect, if a little too big for right now, but we'll definitely grow into it, and you never know, maybe it'll all work out. Now, I can make apple cider and freeze it, not just applesauce and fruit roll-ups (which we have enough of to last forever, essentially). And sale items will fit, and I can make 4-5 loaves of bread at once and freeze them to save time and money. Oh yes, it'll pay for itself. Now, to fill it up with delicious and cheap local produce. And sayonara wintertime scurvy and vitamin deficiency!

What you don't see in the picture is the massive mound of...stuff that I haven't figured out what to do with yet. I had to shove it all out of the way to make room for the new acquisitions. It's charming, trust me.

So, the odyssey continues: if it's not in's in storage (or goodwill). When this place is ship-shape I will post triumphant pictures. Wait for it...

Have a wicked day!



batman said...

So your camera's back and working? Or do you have a loaner?

Captain Underpants said...

Ah, yeah the camera's back! My dad took it in in Ottawa, and my sister's too. They replaced the bad part for hers too even though it wasn't broken, because they said it will eventually fail. It seems great now, so that's good. Sony had to recall a lot of cameras though, it must have been expensive.

Anyhoo, it's good to have it back, we never realized how handy it was till it was gone!

Anonymous said...

yay pictures!

now how about a picture of the new bikes... with wicker baskets?

Anonymous said...

oooh yes...I'd love to see the new bikes, too! And doesn't it feel nice to purge? I can't wait to move again, not just because I'll get to leave London forever (and ever!), but because I'll get to dump a lot of junk. And nice move on the freezer! I'll definitely come and visit! (of course).