1. I biked to Guelph and back! Not in the same day, but whatever. Friday I went out there to see Skinny Kitty's show. It was fantastic to see her and I was really happy I could support her. Also, my pal Sarah came with and put me up for the night. Fun times. I stayed around for a bit of Art in the Street on Saturday in downtown Guelph, then saddled up for the ride home. The universe christened my ride with heavy rain for the 2nd half of it or so. And I got my period. And I wasn't fit really. And my chain fell off 3 times, on hills. However, I loved every freaking moment of rolling through those farms and hills, seeing donkeys and horses, and countryside shift into residential into urban. I'm definitely a cyclist.
2. We got a futon! So now, at the age of 26, I now have all the accoutrements of your average 18-year old freshmen. Sweet. Actually, I'm super happy because it came from a non-smoking home, is in great shape, is a metal framed slider (not wooden pallet) and it was only $50. Bonus: we got rid of the overstuffed 2 seater that came from a home with cigarette smoke, a chair that I never really liked (sorry rob!) AND and old table we don't like. Definite net improvement people! So, when can we expect your visit? My everlasting quest to make moving easier is on a roll.
ETA: As I was bringing out the old sewing table/plant table, there were two people sitting on the couch by the curb having a smoke. The guy was really animated and in good humour, all "don't throw this stuff out!". I said, no it's out here in case someone wants to pick it up.
Homeless man (HM): Man this is goos stuff but I can't pick it up till tomorrow! I'm homeless. Me: sorry but I have nowhere to put it, it's all parking lots around here and I can't move it anywhere (which is true).
Homeless woman (HW): hey what's that table? Me: It's an old sewing table.
HM/HW: garbage is going to come!
Me: No, garbage day is Friday, you've got lots of time
HM/HW: [thinking out loud] how are we gonna move this stuff?
HW to HM: We better get to the welfare office
HM [as they walk off]: If this stuff is gone when we get back , I am gonna be fucking pissed.
Awesome. It IS good stuff, and it's not going to landfill, hooray! I have to say, I was a little taken aback when I noticed two peole chilling on the couch on the side of the road. Good view of the construction, I guess.
3. I'm finally getting crap done on my thesis. I'm scared of interviewing people, which is probably psychologically slowing me down, so I will have to conquer that. Organizing the desk are is definitely helping.
4. Claire's birthday weekend is coming up, which means canoe trip n the Grand! Wheee! And backyard camping, which is the BEST.
5. Yarnstravaganza on Thursday...getting rid of extra yarn and needles at school. I'm thinking of organizing a bigger clothing exchange/swap meet too. Just bring stuff, take stuff away, everything else goes to goodwill. It's fun.
6. I had my first bowl of maple mini frosted wheats. yum.
7. We about to finish watching Lost season three, which will put us in a Bad Place as we wait till February for the next installments. 2010 to finish the series? That is not my style, people. I want to know the answers, please. And no, I seriously don't need to watch the show. Just answers.
8. We've been out on our cruisers a bunch of times and are planning picnics to Victoria park. I feel like Mary Poppins (or the wicked witch of the west, depending on my mood) when I'm on my bike. Rob's been looking for a wicker basket for us to take food down to the park. He is nothing if not thorough when customizing a ride!
9. My friend went to a wedding and stopped at a winery that makes fruit wines. I got Cherry dinner wine, some kind of reserve that's cranberry, blackberry and raspberry I think, and the blueberry "port". All for $40. So far the "port" is amazing. Hooray!
10. I think that's it for now. Maybe not, but that's all I can think of. Byeeee
your biking saga (yes, it was a saga) made me laugh. "and i got my period." that about sums it up!
did you organize this yarnstravaganza?
I think it's safe to say that most people would have been taken aback by two homeless people sitting on a couch on the side of the street as well.
Sounds like the bikes are working out very well, aside from the chain-dropping incidents. Just don't be like my boss and flip over the handlebars and break your collarbone. Ok? Deal.
That was quite the bike ride. We are trying to avoid damaging problems! Mostly it's been stuff that grinds us to a halt. Weird stuff like the back wheel shifting in the frame and shoving my wheel into the fender. We are definitely sharpening our repair skills on these older bikes!
And I definitely feel that, because we are pleasure cyclists and not racers, our biggest physical danger is falling sideways, like in a cartoon. Or gettin distracted and rolling into a parked car, like in Wayne's world. Hiiiiii Wayyyyyyne! BANG!
And when rob got home from jamming, the couch and chair were gone, I sure hope it was those two people! They left the table though...
Ohhhhh, M! It was sooo good to see you on Friday - thanks again for coming, and for bringing your friend.
I love your story about biking home - I thought of you when I saw it start to rain and though: Boy, I hope she made it home already! Obviously not. BUT, what an adventure and it hasn't phased you in the least.
That wine sounds delicious, and yes, I would love to come visit your place. After all, it is only 34km away (right? or two hours of biking?) - I can manage that perhaps!
Also, very glad the furniture is getting used. It is amazing how things get picked up from the side of the road. Love the reusing. And let me know about the clothing/fabric swap if you end up planning it. I'm dying for an excuse to get rid of some, and getting new ones for free are always a highlight. One time in our old apartment a lady brought a bunch down to the laundry room and put up a sign marked 'free clothes'. I ended up getting 3 perfect long sleeved shirts taht are still the most comfortable I've ever worn! D still makes fun of me when I wear them, but whatever, I don't see him wearing the most comfortable shirts he's ever worn that he got for free.
Although he and my brothers do clothing swaps whenever we go home, so it works out in his favour there. :))
Ok.. going on..
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