Monday, June 18, 2007

You gotta push it

Aw, remember Salt 'n Pepa? Me too.

Anyway, this past weekend was the first cycle-touring (i.e. camping) trip of my life! It was a very local conservation area, and four of us made our way out there Friday evening. Rob was a champ and pedaled the bike trailer plus excessive amounts of alcohol (for cycling, not for 4 people). We did a couple local mini trips to buy food and 5 bags of chips (seemed logical at the time).

Saturday, we got on our biked and made our way to St. Agatha, 11 km west of Waterloo for the strawberry festival We dreamed up a scenario with flats of strawberries everywhere and were a little flummoxed when we actually found 1 pint of strawberries, crafts, a classic car show, petting zoo and so on. so, not so much with the strawberries but a good day out. The route was very very hilly and my bike (my 13th birthday present) only let me use 4 ears. Rob rode the bike we found recently and fixed up a bit. Even still, at least Rob kept up with the other two. I...have a little conditioning work to do ;-)

C kicked it up a notch by biking home early Sunday morning to run a 10 km road race on top of everything, hard core chica! She even pulled of a PB, which is awesome.

All in all, it was a very successful weekend and we are looking forward to the next cycle trip. Possibly out to Elora Gorge, where we can swim. Supa!

This week's Master's goals:
1. complete draft of ethics approval (needed to talk to people in thesis)
2. Complete a point form of all major topics, subheadings and major points in thesis lit review
3. Brainstorm a list of menial thesis tasks to use interspersed with writing to keep progressing
4. Set up next 6 months of calendar plans for major goals

I have till Friday to see what I can do. I am frustrated with feeling like I'm swimming around with no real plans other than "do thesis" which is not task-y enough for me! So, time to break it down and make crap happen. Feels much better.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Stay hydrated, dudes.


Anonymous said...

Hey is my first blog comment ever!! Awesome weekend, and I have to say that you are a champ to have ridden your fat-tired, 4 geared, heavy, 13 year old bike all weekend! I *think* that may have had more to do with things than the conditioning ;). Anyways, I'm in for a repeat trip anytime!!

shelley said...

WOW! I am SO impressed with you M! Congrats on actually packing up the bike trailer and camping by pedals!! ... you guys are so cool...

so anyways, I would love to get into that. maybe next summer tho so I don't over-book myself.

but keep me up to date and I will live vicariously through you guys. also, let me know when you are going to Elora Gorge and maybe we can coordinate campsites.

ALSO - wow, its like a thousand PS'! - July 13th is the date we have at Vinyl in Guelph for the concert - can R make that?