Did you ever spend time thinking about what time really is? How in some cultures, time is a commodity that can be spent, saved, kept or portioned out? And in others, time is circular, there is no rush and time is a fuzzy notion that cannot govern? Weird.
Stuff I'm doing:
1. Listening to a neighbour blast music that makes me think that either a) little girls are practising an awesome new, home-made dance routine on the awn (Beyonce, Avril, Lily Allen) or b) 14 year olds are trying to have a party (Sweet Home Alabama, ZZ Top, other classic rock-top-40 stuff).
What is it when it's all mixed together?
2. Participating in a discussion about environmental stewardship with fundamental Christians on a quiverfull site (people who believe God will regulate how many kids they have, and no birth control of any method is practiced...this family has 13 kids, one on the way). This discussion is obviously going nowhere, but I can't help myself. I need a miracle, haha! ARGH.
3. Planting my herb garden. I have sage, thyme, rosemary and oregano, plus basil coming up from seed. the rest are plants. Most of it's organic, whee!
4. Went to the organic garden today to help with picking the food for the food baskets for the CSA (crop share program). I got free organic lettuce, onions, oregano (see above) and basil and pint of organic strawberries. Kind of a lean take, but as the season progresses there will be more for us to enjoy as well. I like volunteering however the free organic food is such a nice reward. We will soon no longer need to buy any fresh greens at all, and well be in lettuce and spinach and kale and chard till September. Wheeeeeee!
5. writing on my blog. This helps keep me off the ethics site, though that is today's goal: get y application ready to roll. Or as much as is possible.
I guess I'll "do the twist" with my neighbour until they decide to play some reasonable music and get on with it...enjoy the longest say of the year! Depressing observations about days getting shorter to follow ;-)
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