Friday, June 22, 2007

tick tick tick

What that? Why, it's the sound of a to-do list getting demolished!

This morning we:

1. went grocery shopping. Our local shop is giving us 50 PC points per bag we bring in, so we spread out our purchases to maximise. Finally, an actual reward we can and will use!

2. Got the cats to the vet for their annual check up and shots. I didn't know that they used anal thermometers for temperature, but you can guess who was more surprised than me! haha! Actually, the big success there is Ludwig has lost almost 2 kilos and has been officially downgraded from obese to "chubby". We are all pleased, though notably L who can now groom, uh, more effectively. All over. TMI! TMI! Also he fits into the window sills now with way less spillover. Heh.

3. We sold the Festiva! Wait, did I ever tell you we bought a car? We are very impulsive, ha ha, oops! Of course we can't really afford a car when we are saving for yet another trip, so straight to the market it goes. We finally sold it. We bought it for $380, sold it for $450, though we did an oil change and an e-test, so we lost a little in the end. Oh, except the life lesson, which we gained. We kind of miss the bugger, but still. Trip next season!

Um, that's it. Kind of felt more satisfying doing it all than writing it here, but there you go. This afternoon's goal is drafting as much of my ethics clearance as I can. Time t make that happen and then my reward is to knit on the back porchy thing with the cats. I am almost ready to start the sleeves, which will be quick, then it's the yoke and I'll have a sweater...ready to be sewn and cut. With scissors. Yipes! For another day I suppose.

All the best to you bunch. Enjoy the sunlight a little if you can.


batman said...

#2 made me laugh out loud! I even made J read it. Poor Ludwig.. but at least he can clean his belly now. That's something.

Captain Underpants said...

His Buddha belly! Yeah, apparently most cat models come as self-cleaning, but ours needed the upgrade package to work properly. We are very pleased with his progress and neither cats seems to be holding grudges from the examination!