Monday, June 11, 2007

Or so I thought

For a while, I thought I wanted a car. Actually, this is the second time that I thought I wanted a car. There are so many reasons for wanting a car: 1) can take off to Ottawa more, and more easily 2) can pop off to semi-long distances (too far to bike, long on the bus and unwalkable) 3) get the van off the road more, saving fuel 4) freedom to pop out camping, throw a boat up top and go somewhere etc etc.

The last time I wanted a car, I shopped very seriously, but never bought one. Instead, I went hitchhiking/bussing to the east coast. That took care of the itch. This time, we did buy a little Ford Festiva, which we have decided to get rid of right away, rather than pay any money to make it work, even though I think it would still be cheap. I answered ads, got replies, we test drove cars, the whole bit. Now, it's over again, I don't want a car anymore. Because now I'm obsessed with bicycle self-contained touring and want to go on a trip next spring.

So, I think when I really want a car, it's a sign that I'm lacking a goal in my life that I'm really, really invested in. I think it means that my heart of hearts needs to travel and feel free like that again. I think about doing stuff all the time, but I only really ever go once every year or two, so that's a lot of meantime to handle, for someone as disposed to getting up and leaving as I seem to be.

Since I started reading up on bicycle touring, I've been getting more and more exited. It's been good enough to get me out of the house willingly to get to the library. Enough to have me scouring the used pages daily looking for panniers and bike trailers (like everyone else in the universe, it seems). And I don't care about cars anymore. So, while cars are all those things I told you about up above and all those things would be nice, what I really want, what I always really want is a plane ticket. Or this recumbent bike made in Quebec, hoo-eee! Anyone wanna sponsor us? Maybe we should ask them to sponsor us! Oh my God, I have some thinking to do.Thanks guys! Awesome idea!


batman said...

So you did buy a car? And you are getting rid of the car? And you want to go where with that kind of bike? So many questions.

Captain Underpants said...

Well, we did buy a tiny little ford festiva. I t need sa bit of work, but we knw we can get all the parts we need relatively cheaply out of a local scrapyard and off e-bay,but we are selling it instead. Because, we now desire the most expensive bikes ever (actually, genuine toring bikes can run past $2000 easily, but still). We want bikes more than a car. We want bikes instead of a car!

I want to do two trips witht the bikes: one shorter one from Ecuador to/through Argentina with some frinds we have here (that would include the Galapagos and Maccu Piccu), and a way, way longer tour of Europe including scandinavia. I want epic camping tours on these things. Thos are my current dreams keeping me afloat, day to day!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm totally 150% jealous of bicycle touring to macchu piccu. I want to do cross-canada on a bike too - totally self-powered, self sufficient. I worry that I wouldn't be able to carry enough food though since I eat enough for three as it is when I'm not cycling many hours per day.

You could take your Festiva and make it electric, you know. Maybe not appropriate for highway trips to O-town but it would kick for city driving. And the battery weight would keep it from blowing off the road during the winter.

Captain Underpants said...

SOunds like a wicked trip eh? Might be ambitous though, we'll see. The thing about bike touring, especially in just need enough to get you to the next town, and you could be sure to take tuna packed in oil for the extra calories etc...ou could totally do it! Also, there are supoprted tours where extra food and gear are taken for you, which make things work so much more reliably in a fixed time frame. But seriously, thre are high calorie, dense foods out there athat you could stock and it would be wicked! So, when are you thinking you might go ;-) ???

We totally thought to make the festiva electric! That's absolutely a big project that is coming up too. Rob saw "Who killed the electric car" and got very, very interested. So, while probably not with this car, watch for it ;-) Apparently you need some part from a forklift and a golf cart, some welded battery holders and off you go. Sounds like fun eh? Wicked idea Alan!

Anonymous said...

ok, so you're officially stealing all of my ideas.

I think this is the forklift/golf cart EV thing you're referring to.

I found it through this site, which is mega-informative, especially his pages on his first conversion ('85 mazda 626)

Hours of reading!