Monday, October 23, 2006


Okay, well I feel better since it's only rained a bit and isn't supposed to snow again till tonight, so in light of the good weather, I thought I'd post.

Actually some proverbial spit is going to hi the fan this week in terms of work to do and TA marking coming around the corner etc. so I thought I'd better post.

Rob went ahead and grabbed the van from Ottawa and got some much needed work done on it. After some grumbling by me, it's actually been really nice to go to the market and shopping for heavy stuff like litter and flour with a vehicle. So, now we've got the van back, and I htink it only supports our image ;-)

Actually, last week I genuinely made theargument in class that it's illogical that we'er so against the seal hunt when we kill dogs and cats all the time in animal shelters, but don't even harvest the fur, or eat the meat. I mean, it's an emotional difference we've applied to the situations, but essentially it's the old 'meat is meat' argument. I did get a few open mouths on that one, but we'll see. Man, get me in the heat of a discussion and I pull out all the stops. And yes, I think we are making friends, thank you very much. heh.

I haven't had a chance to really get to know a lot of people in class so far, but there are some really great people that I look forward to getting to know better. There don't seem to be too many risk-takers, but that may just be a product of not knowing peope really well yet, so we'll see. I htink it's a good bunch. There's going to be some interesting work going on, that's for sure.

I still have to develop a thesis, but the one I liked the most was already done by the gov't of Ontario in 1995, so I have to keep thinking. On the up side, I've organized a pumpkin carving potluck at the school (indoor) courtyard for friday, so I"m hoping that it's a good time and people show up. My apartment is too small, so if people go for the pot luck then I'll make it a monthly thing.

I wish I had more exciting news! Hey, anybody have hallowe'en costumes in mind? Rob and I think we have it figured out, with details and pictures to follow in November, of course ;-) Someone in class is havinga big party and the first costume prize is a nintento with games! ha ha, but hopefully it inspires some great costumes. Gotta go critique some academic articles! Whee!

later gators

1 comment:

batman said...

i can totally picture you spinning off the killing seals vs. cats and dogs argument. i can't imagine it went over very well even though you have a point. people get attached to their animals, and by extension, to cats and dogs in general. but you know that.

ps. we're still waiting on pictures of the apartment.