Thursday, October 12, 2006

Oh, man

I spent a bunch of time yesterday writing a post about Oktoberfest and trying to post pictures, but it never worked and I got frustrated, so that will have to wait. Short story: it was very cool.

Today's real post is this: women and men, we have a problem. Maybe you've heard about Stephen Harper's recent cuts to Status of Women's budget? Here's an excerpt from the excellent Status Report web site:

Beverley Oda, Minister of Heritage and Status of Women, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper, have taken drastic steps away from women's equality.

On September 25, 2006, the federal government announced a 5 million dollar (40%) cut to SWC's administrative budget.

On October 3rd, they removed the very word "equality" from SWC's mandate and changed the rules so that women's groups cannot use federal funding to do advocacy or lobbying.

All of this takes place nine months after Harper committed to take concrete and immediate steps to increase women's equality in Canada.

These actions represent a serious attack on the sole federal department engaged in monitoring and promoting women's equality and women's rights in Canada, and the organizations it supports.

Oda and Harper have 16 million female constituents to answer to. Apparently, we have to speak up.

So. Were you thinking that it might be cool to keep working towards equal pay for equal work? That someday it might not be a liability to have babies, even though it's still commonnly accepted that as a fertile woman, you really should? That you like the idea of making the decisions that affect your own body? Because we need people working on this, and those people are the Status of Women.

Don't be too comfotable. These cuts came at a time of surplus in the budget, so the message being sent is pretty clear. I think we're under attack here, because I'm genuinely nervous about where Stephen Harper is going with this. Please visit the site, and if you are concerned, check out the 'what to do' tab.

What are your thoughts on this out there? I know we have lots of different opinions floating around. Has anybody heard anyhting about this?

Take it easy everyone

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