I wonder if I will get back to daily/weekly updates here? Dunno. Lots of news to share, though.
1. My baby niece was born on July 26th. I am in love. She is perfect. My sister is a trooper and endured a tough 4 day labour to deliver this littlest pumpkin and while they are all well, the respect for the achievement is significant. My brother in law was by all accounts the best ever and suffered and celebrated alongside my sister, moment by moment (no surprise there). They are a family unit to aspire to. I am so proud.
2. Sylvia had her baby girl on July 26th as well! Her labour was relatively short but also scary. All are well at home again, healing and adjusting to the tidal wave of love they must be feeling from all sides, inside and out. Well done, S&A, you did something difficult and beautiful and your daughter is precious. I am so proud!
Things get more mundane from here, not quite on the same level as the miracle of birth and the transformational change to families who experience birth and babies. And yet...
3. A parent at the daycare is a big fisherman and gave Rob a 5 inch middle section of a huge beautiful salmon. It must have been 3 or 4 pounds of meat, gutted and ready to go. We're talking $40+ worth of prime, local wild fish, which is a wee bit better than the wieners and beans we were contemplating for dinner. Yay parents at the daycare! We had rice and seared zucchini form the garden and our first meal of the fish was glorious. We used som eof my notepaper to write a proper thank you and everythign, hoping that when they have spare fish they might think of us. Heh.
4. Wedding in less than two weeks! We are finally getting truly excited to get married, although I still worry a lot about sobbing. I can't talk when I cry and my heart gets really full really fast, so I cry pretty quick whenever anyone is saying loving things to me. I am worried about speaking during the ceremony and avoiding the ugly crying. Any techniques would be welcome. All I can think of is a rock in the shoe like they do on tv to nullify lie detector tests. I will have hankies on hand.
5. We sold the mazda MPV! We got back half what we paid for it 18 months ago, which is more than I expected. And as much as I will miss the 4 wheel drive, the space to haul people around and the automatic transmission, I just think about that brick of cash and I feel better. Imagine that! mmmm, brick of cash.
6. I finally (finally!) went and practiced driving yesterday. Rob took me out for 45 minutes and I just stopped, and get into first the whole time. Shifting to second and third and stopping is easy, it's just getting going. So I stopped and started up an abandoned street, three point turned, stopped and started my way back. I definitely got better , but I stalled twice and Rob says I can't complain when we have to replace the clutch (I definitely will complain). I don't think it was that bad. But no one get mad (me) or worried for he car (rob) and it was great.
7. We got our first windshield chip arrrrggghh. Yukon insurers don't insure windshields because you are guaranteed to chip. But the chip we got was accompanied by an instant 5 inch crack on the one side and 2 inch crack to the other. As soon as we have to use defrost, we're hooped. We'll take it in but they won't be able to do much. Boo Yukon.
8. We fly home on Saturday and have plenty to do in the meantime. We made a schedule of activities, but I am so ready for a break from work that I don't mind the chores and am looking forward to it all. How about that! Hooray for family! And i get to meet my nice, which will surely burst my heart. My poor heart will be beat up by the end of the wedding. So much love. I'm sure I'll sleep well.
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