Thursday, February 04, 2010

Feeling beerish

A few days ago I bought some non-alcoholic beer. It's the Beck's brand, if you're curious. I occasionally like to have a bit of wine or a bit of beer, but I'm trying to avoid too many non-nutritional calories these days and I already have a big gummy X-ray fish every day (don't ask, and yes they are delicious and very very chewy, and not fishy).

So I picked up a 6-pack of the non-alcoholic Beck's at 60 calories a bottle and popped one open. I decided to approach it the same as soymilk trials. It won't taste like milk, but do I enjoy the flavour on its own merit?

The near beer tasted beerish and hoppy, and good I thought. It's not beer, but it is beerish, and it fills the "huh, I feel like something beerish tonight" void without the extra calories and without the extra trip to the liquor store.

So, sometimes a girl want s a beer and that's why we have the Yukon Brewery, but sometimes a girl just wants something beerish. Good to know there is such a thing.

* Added bonus: 3 ingredients only (water, barley and hops I think), no preservatives or weird chemicals, so it's a good choice!


Sylverrr said...

Yay a new post! It made me laugh which is even better. Who knew there was such a think, thanks for the info chica. I wonder if I could drink that without reacting to it...

K said...

THAT is how I will approach soy milk if I ever can't drink milk again.