Friday, January 08, 2010

Life Lessons

Yesterday I learned that if you use a router to split internet between two computers, any old asshat can steal your then-unknown wireless signal (which you were not using and therefore not aware of) and rack up massive internet usage.

To the tune of $175.

well, to be fair, $90 of that is fair and square internet and phone. But still. I saw the bill and freaked. out.

Yukon: land of limited internet and opportunistic jackasses!

In other news, holidays in Ontario were hectic and good and productive and hectic. Lots to recap. So much, that I think I might just not do that at all and start now, like nothing happened at all. Ok?

I've slept 12 hours and 10 hours over the last two night and still feel a little groggy. I'm looking forward to getting back into regular routines, and grocery shopping after work today.

Also, I have to go-ahead from the work H1N1 pandemic planner to eat into my emergency food supply, which is awesome. Yukon responded so well to vaccinations, and also had access to vaccinations, that the next spike is expected to be more of a hiccup than an emergency-causing-apocalyptic-tragedy.

Rice and powdered milk, here we come!


K said...

I will admit - the idea of rice and powdered milk is pretty gross. Well, just the powdered milk.

Unknown said...

yeah definetly the powdered milk.. ick. We brought it on our cycling trip and tried to use it in our tea/other cooking as source of protein... not recommended..

Captain Underpants said...

You know, I use powdered milk at work for my tea (doesn't go bad in my cubicle) and we've been using it at home in everything. So far it's just sauces and to thicken stuff and whatever, not drinking straight. We don't seem to mind it, which is good, since we have a little over 2.5 kilos to go!

Anonymous said...

powdered milk works well in stovetop oatmeal, if you're into that. i was making 5 cups this weekend (to last for quick microwave breakfasts throughout the week, for 2) and usually use half milk, half water (extra creamy this way), but i was running low on milk. used all water and a cup and a bit of the powder. tastes pretty much the same.

Anonymous said...

Don't want to intrude but that situation can be avoided by security settings of the router!
If you need help to do that holla!