Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Darkness

You guys remember that band? I believe in a Thing Called Love? I still love that song. When the singer sings "just listen to the rhythm of my heart" sing over him in a high pitched voice saying "gobble gobble gobble" like a turkey and I guarantee you will crack up whoever you are with.

Just a morning tip to get your day going (or continuing, for eastern folks).

Anyway, today sunrise is a t 9:30 am and sunset is at 4:04 pm. I have discovered some unextpected benefits to the additional darkness. For your information:

1. Sleeping feels sooooo good in the dark. It's neat to look out the window in the morning and see what's what. I'm hoping for Northern lights out the bedroom window at some point, when it's not overcast.

2. When I get to work I feel like I am getting a jump on the day, like I showed up early. even when I am late.

3. I can enjoy the beauty of the sunrise over the mountains from the comfort of my desk, after having a long nice sleep and breakfast, and morning tea. Sunrises for people who sleep in. Nice.

4. The darkness is cozy. It encourages me to knit and make tea and be mellow.

5. I don't seem to be experiencing SAD (probably thanks to my handful of vitamins I take each day and my lunchtime walks at the humane society) so it's actually pretty fun to have the stars out and the lights of the city spread out in front of me on my way in to work.

6. Since I am sub-artcic, not arctic, I still have decent daylight and will have decent daylight even on the shortest day of the I nnever feel like I didn't get a day of some kind.

Winter! It's what's for breakfast!

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