Sunday, August 16, 2009

I liked it so I put a ring on it...

Hey, we got engaged this weekend! Here's a teaser, more story and pictures to come...(ps no engagement rings, which is why we are sporting the future wedding bands). 


Claire said...

whoo hoo! looks like the plan went off without a hitch! can't wait to hear details!

Alan said...


Anonymous said...

What?? Awesome news! Congratulations!

- batman

Unknown said...

So exciting! I can't wait to hear the story!

Anonymous said...

OMG - M!!!

... why yes, I DO enjoy using caps. :P

Yes, I'm sure your audience will be eagerly awaiting this update!

shelley said...

I really needed some good news, so this is perfect!

Hurray!!! That is so exciting!! :)

Congratulations to both of you!


Unknown said...

Congratulations you two! That is fantastic news!!

Sarah Ivy said...

I'm so happy for you two!


Anonymous said...

Félicitations! Je suis tellement contente pour vous deux! Surtout que j'étais là à vos débuts quand tu me parlais de ton beau professeur de musique...;o)
