Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hometown Pride

Stuff I’m learning about Whitehorse:

1. The morning radio doesn’t have chatty contests or morning chatter. There’s just music. There must not be the money for contests, or advertisers.

2. The local buy ‘n sell is called “trader time” and people call in with whatever they want to sell or buy. Then they give out their home number. Over the radio. In this capital city. I love it.

3. The license plates here only have 5 digits. Three letters followed by 2 numbers. Our plate number is EST 58. Almost makes me wish I was born in ’58! Also, there’s a gold panner on the plate. Cool. It works out that lots of regular plates kind of seem like vanity plates, since there are lots of 3 letter abbreviations. Fun car game anyway.

4.There’s a guy at work today (not in my unit) who wore formal plaid work pants. It made my morning.

5. The RV’s have started to take up residence at the Wal-Mart parking lot. Apparently in the summer it fills right up. Bastards.

6. A lot of dudes up here have (awesome) bushy beards. You can’t assume that everyone has all their teeth. You can assume that lots of the people you’ll meet will be from Outside, at least originally.

7. Oh, are the VW buses rolling in. And the summer cars, which up here seem to be vintage trucks (cool!) or really weird foreign army vehicles. We saw a (regular) car from Quebec and were thinking: man that was a LONG drive. Regardless, bring on the hippies.

8. Last night I had trouble falling asleep from the light, for the first time. Yesterday the sun rose at around 5:30 am and set at around 10:30 pm, and we’re still gaining daylight, I think at a rate of about 7 minutes a day. Time to double up the curtains.

9. Wild animals I’ve seen: bison, foxes, ravens, caribou, ground squirrels, birds I don’t recognize. Apparently, occasionally, there’ll be a moose wandering in town, although maybe not on Main St. , A la Northern Exposure. I’ll believe it when I see it.

10. The Loblaws up here caught on to me and I hardly get free stuff anymore. Actually, I think they just have summer employees and keep on top of stuff now. Next winter I’ll be back on top I’m sure.


Agustin said...

Awesome! Got any photos of this wildlife? I saw some killer whales on Monday, but alas, I had no camera...

Alan said...

re: #2 - we have this in ottawa too... 7am sunday mornings on CFRA. Everyone gives out their home phone number and sometimes their address too!

re: #4 - I have yet to see former plaid pants in my office. Actually, I have yet to see formal plaid pants ... ever? I believe that plaid is considered an antitode to formal?

Captain Underpants said...

@ Agustin : sorry no photos of animals yet. I thin kI'm going to get a little pocket camera and actually just keep it in my pocket.

@Alan: I can see why I didn't know about the 7 am call in show. Maybe that community is small too due to the timing? And, exactly! This dude found plaid pants, paired it with a nice black sweater and though "yeah!". And truly, when I saw him, I thought "yeah!" too! Perhaps another sighting of local wildlife.