Things have been ticking along naturally and regularly for the last week or so. We had my family Christmas on the first, and then went to the cottage for a couple of days to commemorate that. That means, skating (because the lake was so smooth under a dusting of snow from the rain a while back), sledding (no good hills), walking around in the snow and on the lake, eating and drinking. My mom somehow pulled of a full christmas dinner at the lake. We had some friends of C&M, Australians. Few people as awesome as the Australians, and definitely no one as awesome as Australians on ice! There was ice fishing (nothing caught) and maple taffy on fresh snow.
I ate more than my share.
Then, somehow it is today and I have a bunch of work to do. Because yesterday something went PING in my brain and I asked for advice from my mom and I need to move to Whitehorse. Really frikking soon. I decided that I'm crazy for waiting around here for an interview for the job I've applied for at all. Since it was the only job I COULD apply for since I was eligible to actually take it. Recently, Rob's sister found out about a Forign Affairs contract. She applied, got an interview and got the job. In less than 24 hours.
Oh my god, I need to go to Whitehorse. Really frikking soon. I need access to contracts and the departments and companies. I need a local address and to be there for interviews and to show my face. Rob needs to be there to even apply to the jobs he's interested in. I just checked and apparently there is at least one employment agency in Whitehorse. How could I not have thought of that earlier? GOD.
Anyway, it all boils down to the same thing. Rob and I have agreed. Despite the royal pain in the ass of travelling with cats on 2 different airlines, kenneling them (can you say psychological distress!) and job hunting blind, it is time to crash and burn, or make it work. Our back up plan is sound and logical: if we have to give up on Whitehorse, we will apply to random jobs in BC in a panic and assume one of us will get work. Awesome!
Actually this moment of truth stuff is scary. 99% of the time I'm super jazzed about Whitehorse and can't wait and it looks perfect and blah blah blah. Then, 1% of the time I am aware that we are in for a time of working kind of hard for unknown results. We don't want garbage sustenance jobs, we want happy-making jobs. We don't want to go broke kenneling the cats. We don't want to mentally mess them up beyond repair. It's really , really cold there right now, and I only get one bag of my own stuff. What will come and what will go? The mechanics of doing this, at this juncture in our lives are intimidating. It'll work out, but we've been waiting for so long. Of course I am VERY grateful for being done my thesis. At least we can think about doing something else.
Of course, in general things are more than fine. I just got my hair cut, it was a good experience, bought a few more tops on clearance at Winners (ooh, and found my coat on sale from a week before so I got $20 back! I love a good discount.
I hasn't help but wonder what 6 months from now looks like. Here's my hope:
1. we have a nice home together. Not fancy, but with windows and enough rooms and furniture and a kitchen we like. It would be better if it didn't smell like smoke and if it was clean.
2. The cats have settled and are happy and behaving nicely
3. We have jobs that challenge us but aren't too hard. We are making money and can afford to do the things we like to do.
Am I missing something? That's what I want. It would be nice if we have usable things then too. Roasting pans, a full set of cutlery, etc.
So, time to get on the bus of making that happen. Thundercats GO!
TOTALLY understanding what you're going through right now - if you ever want to ask me any questions or anything about my own adventure to the other side of the country, feel free to send me an email :)
If there's anything I've learned from this experience, it's that if you really want something to happen you can make it happen - regardless of the obstacles put in front of you. And even if there are a lot of obstacles, with practice, you get better at hurdling them.
Good luck! :)
So I was just going through old emails (part of the process to getting bernardo's permanent residency application together) and I came across an email you sent me with a link to your blog (it was from July 2005)). I thought I'd check it out and see if you're still keeping it updated...and was happily surprised to find out you are. Congrats on the thesis defense and being done your masters! And yeah it!!...if you get stuck and need to come to BC Bernardo and I are still around're always more than welcome to come crash here for a bit while your sorting things out. It's great to randomly get back in touch with you.
Take care! And have fun on your Whitehorse job searching adventure!
oops..just realized you might not know who I was with the way I wrote my name in the last comment;)
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