This evening I officially submitted a complete draft of my thesis to my supervisor, from stem to stern. That doesn't mean it's done, just that there are no more blank spots.
This is the point I literally could not fathom for the past year. I've been staying up until 3 and 4 am the last few days formatting, writing up changes, correcting grammar and spelling. I'm really lucky that my parents were able to look it over. My mom caught a lot of spelling and grammar stuff, so I will look more refined :-)
Anyway, it's hopefully all downhill from here. My thesis supervisor has to approve it (that may take some more work on my part fixing stuff up), then I have to get a defense date set. Then I have a bunch of admin stuff to do, like print off copies. I have to prepare the powerpoint presentation for the defense, maybe bring myself to read the thesis from top to bottom (which I haven't done yet). Then, I'll have to make whatever changes the defense committee wants, apply to graduate, format the thing and submit it online, fill out forms and pay off my library fines.
But, the damn thing is written, and I am a free woman for at least a day.
free! free at last!
RELISH this time ... before the edits come back! :)
your terrific!!!
Great work!
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