I still have a ton of edits to do, but I'll just do as much as I can and by early next week I should be printing off the draft that will appear in the dusty collections. The defense is the penultimate hurdle, but having a date is a big deal for me. It guarantees no more tuition payments and a free christmas time. It means that next week I will have nothing to do but write acknowledgements and dedications and start making contact with potential employers in Whitehorse.
It means my "in transition" is about to actually be a transition into something, rather than constantly in transition away from another thing.
My parole is coming. All I have to do is put on a good show, smile pretty and tell everyone that I am rehabilitated. And I am! I am rehabilitated!
Congrats - and Good Luck! :)
T-minus 12 days...you must be getting pumped! (or maybe not ;))...I'm actually sure that you sent off your denfense draft and have been enjoying the snowy build-up to Christmas without a second thought...
Hey Girl, tomorrow is the big day! We will be thinking of you and keeping our finegrs crossed. Ket's go out and celebrate when you get back!
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