I've been noodling around on the www.mla..ca site, looking at houses for sale in unlikely places. Not because I want to buy a house (maybe after 2 years of saving), but because I want to look a places that could be mine. What does it cost to live in Whitehorse (if you opt out of a trailer but stay modest, not too much)? Nova Scotia? Well, if you want ocean front but don't need to live near civilization you can have a 7 bedroom awesome restored and modernized mansion on a beach for less than a bungalow in the suburbs of Ottawa. I'm pretty sure I want some kind of local civilization, but still. Wow. Also, why do people, when selling their house, post 2-5 pictures of the shrubs out back? We want to see your living room and the view and the bedrooms! Also take all the crap off your surfaces! Also floral wallpaper + floral print furniture = bad!
Ludwig is sleeping in a box on a chair next to me. It's cute, which is good because he's been a bit of an idiot lately. He's recently learned how to hiss. We've never heard of seen it before, but he's doing it now. Not sure what to do about it. He's guarding the dog's food for himself, not a good sitch. Then again, he's been messed around with the whole move so much that we're lucky this is the only behaviour change we're seeing.
Go look at rob's van. He's basically romantically in love with it and it looks like a hotwheels car. You cant tell, but the eagle's eyes (hood ornament) are diamond(esque) earrings from Claire's "boutique". That's my awesome baby!
I'm stalling. Who wants to write a thesis analysis? Not me.
1 comment:
Give me a call sometime. I miss you!
Where are you living these days??
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