Here is a short film that discusses men and their influences in media as kids, in a similar way that it is more often broken down to discuss women. It's all Disney, too.
Check it, it's really a quick 6 minutes. What do you think about this?
I don't necessarily agree with everything in this video, but I like that more people are discussing men and their cultural influences on how to be men.
am I a bad person if I'm too lazy to watch these videos? Somehow it's just not the same as reading your entertaining prose...
hope things are good at your end of the inter-nets!
Hey Marianne...interesting stuff. I think this is pretty interesting, and I agree this is something that should be thought about and discussed. One interesting thought: the Disney movie used most often as an example in this video was Beauty and the Beast. The narrator comments at the end of the video that he thinks a caring, compassionate example of masculinity should be used more often in Disney flicks. But that was the WHOLE POINT of Beauty and the Beast. Gaston was the strong, manly, jerk that Belle did NOT end up with, and she only became interested in the Beast when he showed his softer side.
Not that this makes the point of the video invalid, and I'm glad you brought it up!
Hope you guys had a fun, rain-free camping trip! Talk soon!
Claire: yeah I know what you mean, and I think the narrator could have done a way better job acknowledging that point you made, but still, the beast is huge and manly-built, and did have his moments of rage where he showed considerable violent power...not to mention treating Belle like a possession until she felt the same as him. He supported her hobbies like reading because he also loved these hobbies...Gaston had no library for her but Best did. I think your point is valid and true, but I also don't trust the underlying components that Disney seems to love.
Not to mention really sweetening up ugly stories, like Pocahontas..oh what a nice love story between her and Mr Smith (except wasn't she a teen and kept at the bottom on a canoe pretty much as a sex slave?)...throw in more chirping birds and longer flowing hair! Disney....meh.
hahaha....true, true. Unfortunately, I think I'm one of the indoctrinated ones, because after watching this video I spent an hour on youtube listening to all the awesome Disney tunes that I love...(although there ARE a LOT of sexist undertones now that you point it out....)
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