Saturday, March 01, 2008

And, we're back

So, I haven't kept up with this thing, but let me tell you, there's been snowshoeing and skiing in my life. Therefore things are good. 

Thesis-wise, I'm on board with a new (to me) co-advisor who has got me on an accelerated track...and I'm so happy to report that my project is eight kinds of awesome, it's coming together like a dream and I'm going to finish this summer, and if I can do this by June 2oth, I get a 50% rebate on my summer tuition. So, goals abound. 

Actually, my friend Claire and I have started the first and last NaTheWriMo (National Thesis Writing Month) Thesis Frenzy for March. Claire set up a google doc that all 8 particpants can access and update each day with new pages written. The idea is to write 80 pages of text without editing to encourage just getting the majority of the thing ha
shed out. Once you get your 80 pages you can begin editing, or write analysis pages (if you have your data). 

So, Monday is the first day to check in with a total page count. Thesis Freeeeennnnnzzzzzyyyyy!

Here are some pictures from Ontario's first family day (at the cottage with frends, Hi Claire!), and then cross country sking at our local Laurel Creek Conservation Area (Hi Claire!) 

Digging a hole...

I was there too, I promise. Hope all is well elsewhere!


Sarah Ivy said...

One more day til NaTheWriMo!!! I'm excited... Though, I think I need to start off with some editing.. I know the point is not to over edit, but I promised my adviser a chapter this week.

Awesome winter pics :)

batman said...

I'm glad you're getting out because I know how happy it makes you.

I'm going to post about our latest adventure soon.. check it out!

Anonymous said...

Oh of winter fun is not a good way to motivate me to getting writing tomorrow. The cottage weekend was definitely amazing...the pictures are so fun!