Saturday, January 05, 2008

It's January

Surprise! I wrote something!

December was a good month, culminating in a bunch of Christmases. Some highlights:

* participated in my first craft sale! Sold a bunch of knitted stuff, made about $200 after materials
* dropped an accordion we were meant to deliver to Ottawa, spent freshly earned cash on replacement. sigh.
* am now the proud owner of a mostly working accordion. Just like I always dreamed. NOT
* Watched Wayne's world
*Celebrated first christmas in London and am now the proud owner of a Mac laptop. This is a magical laptop with magical properties that will generate a thesis. Wow!
* Got snowed in at London, watched Planet Earth and played Apples to Apples with the fam. Super fun and an excellent visit before sister and brother in law went gallivanting around eastern europe for the holidays.
* Made Christmas presents...I did steeped fruit liqueurs from local produce (minus the lime and ginger varieties) and homemade bath bombs that fizz. R made salad tongs.
* Developed detailed Ottawa itinerary to maximize holiday time without burning out. Had schedule modified slightly when on Dec. 25th Rob and I both woke up with what felt like the 24 hour bubonic plague. As Alan said, we like to do things together. I haven't hurled like that (from genuine illness) since I was a little kid. Awesome.
* Ottawa Christmas fun, and now we have the action figures that go with the movie Shawn of the Dead! It came complete with a little molotov cocktail you can fit into the figure's hand!
* Rob has cobbled together a studio, with an electric ukulele, amp, several effects pedals, a mic and stand and a customized micro drum kit. Our office is actually pretty funky looking.Actually we call it the slash room (i.e. the office slash music slash guest room...)
* My thesis advisor had her twins! Both girls, a 5 pounder and a 3 pounder. Evelyn Anne and Jane Rose....super sweet pictures. Awwww

What else? we had good visits (though missed out on almost everyone friend wise...Batman we had the plague so we will make it up next time, I missed you), ate well when we were eating, slept well and are glad to be home.

Also, we went to see the movie I am Legend and Rob sort of liked it and I definitely didn't. We have much higher hopes for Walk Hard.

See ya next time!


batman said...

It was yesterday when I realized that I hadn't seen you yet and that you were probably already gone. I'm feeling like a bad friend. Hopefully I can make it up to you by actually visiting you (like I've been saying for the past year and a half....)

Sorry to hear you were sick. Lots of people got hit hard recently. I, thankfully, have avoided anything bubonic-esque so far.

Anonymous said...

how does one break an accordion? I have only the vaguest idea of how one works, so I am intrigued. Is it repairable?

Captain Underpants said...

One drops the accordion on the edge of the case and snaps off a few of the keys (the last three). They broke off jaggedly (I htink they were brittle) and the metal support thingies below them were bent up at weird angles. It's likely very repairable, I'm just not really that excited about investing any more into it. It still plays nicely and the bass keys are fine, but it's just not really in top shape anymore!

Batman, it was clearly my fault for not telling you about where I was, it just didn't work well this trip. Next time, for sure. yu are always very welcome here!