Sunday, December 02, 2007

It's December

The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy knows best: DON'T PANIC

So, some pluses and minuses:

- it's warm and raining, which means goodbye to our first big dump of snow, just accumulated this morning
+ we totally suited up and cross country skied all over our neighbourhoods this morning
+ we've been out skiing 3 times now and we love it. There's lots of placed to go here, and lots of them are free and easy to get to
+ I know I'm getting a Mac for Christmas (eeee!)
- I will acquire said Mac and then NOT USE IT TILL Christmas!
+ Christmas this year for us is Dec. 15th
+ This week we go see Feist!
+ That counts as another plus
- I have a few more undergraduate final projects to mark
- I have about 8 million more articles to red for my thesis and then I need to write it. and collect data. Then write about that too. Then get people to read it, do some re-writing and some defending. I about 6 months.
- That counts for another minus.
+ Craft fair coming up next weekend, knitting is fun!
- I'm worried some of my stuff isn't as good as it should be considering I want to sell it under an actual business name

Here's a picture:
Sorry no skiing pictures because I keep forgetting. I will eventually remember, I promise!

Take it easy, mega-people


Author said...

I love that toque in that photo - tell me how to get one! :P

shelley said...

I also love that toque.. and want one.. look you have a lineup already!!

But honestly... I love it. Are you willing to part with it?

Captain Underpants said...

Hey, thanks you guys! That's really encouraging. I knit that hat and a bunch of other stuff for the craft fair this saturday, but if it's still around after, I'll let you know (it's very re-creatable too). Also I've got an etsy shop set up an a web site in the works too to sell my knitted crafty stuff, I'll be sure to let you know.
I'll keep you posted :-)

Sarah Ivy said...

Your knitting is beautiful and you're going to have a great time at the craft show. Remember, it's all for fun!

Sylverrr said...

How did the craft show go??
Also, I miss you! Thanks again for the catnip mice, Izzy things they're great :) She's not as small as when you saw her anymore, she is almost as tall as rolo now