Tuesday, November 20, 2007



last week we went to the RIM rocks secret concert. It's a secret, free [minus transportation, food and an unpaid day of work natch] concert put on by RIM for employees every year. They keep the bands a a secret, but last year it was Aerosmith. So we signed up and we went.

The Tragically Hip opened, which was a good band to see, they are awesome live and now I can say I've done it. I'm more Canadian now, maybe.

But oh, the main band. The headlining band for the show was...
Van Halen.

Van freaking Halen.

I mean, just look at this.

Take away the long hair and it was the same show. Same tight pants, same round house kicking, screaming, costume changing rock show, with a 5 minute drum solo and a 5 minute shredding guitar solo.

Rock on, baby. It was legendary.
[only beef: no one played synth, so it was pre-recorded! really? no synth player???]


Author said...

OMG - RIM Rocks (literally :P) !!!

batman said...

The Hip are good live... I had one of my first experiences with some green stuff when I saw the Hip, years ago, obviously.

Green lasers.

Captain Underpants said...

ooooh, sneaky Batman ;-) And there were green lazers! It's all very exciting!