Here's my state map:

And finally:

Speaking of travel, as it is my main motivator in life I've been thinking about the next trip. It's always, on some level, about the next trip. It's very likely going to be Europe again, but I'm trying to make it so we focus on Scandinavia and eastern europe rather than western Europe. Rob really needs to get to France and Switzerland for didge stuff, and he seems keen on Greece where I've never been, so what actually happens should be interesting.
Yay trip fantasies!
So, yesterday was a value village run, wheee! I'm canning cherries and apricots with my thesis advisor and my friend Claire. We went to get more jars. Of course, that's never the end of it for me. I found an awesome camp kit that nests into itself, it's a fry pan, pot, measuring cups (3) potholder and three deep plates for $2, and it's smaller than a volleyball. It's also super lightweight, great for cycling (though it probably means it's aluminum, which is bad). It's also Kermit green, yessss. I also found a wicked Roots coat that fits great. I think my coat collection is about complete. i got rid of one to "make space", then went out and bought like, three. Awesome.
Then, I found little sherry type liqueur glasses that match my martini glasses (clear glass bowl with a coloured or clear glass bulb bottom). Yay!
I made grape jam and pesto yesterday, since I also found a hand chopper to buy. I couldn't find anyone to lend me a freaking chopper! I didn't want to buy one, but for $5, it's okay. It does okay, but then I need to hand blend to get the consistency of pesto I need...so maybe not the most useful. Oh well.
So. Canning season is upon us. So early! Also, freezing season is catching up. I wonder when I'll fire up the freezer for good. I'm putting it off due to the energy it'll no doubt suck right up. We don't pay for hydro, but the point is to use less whenever, you know?
So, busy times around here. I have to make some of that business thesis-wise now! yipes.
You've travelled more than a lot of people I know yet your maps are still very blue. Crazy eh? I think it's a neat website though. I can't wait for more and more people I know to use it so I can see where they've been.
It is amazing how little it colours when you have travelled a lot. Somehow its unfair?
But again, M, inspiring! And I'm very excited to hear all about your Scandinavian travels in search of didges. I have the LP Norway if you want it. I doubt I will use it again anytime soon. Most expensive country. Ever. But very cool to visit and it can be done cheap. Just don't be buying any $15 pints and you'll be golden!
I am so impressed with all your canning and pesto making and other delicious sounding food adventours. I am going to try out this map thing as well. It looks really neat, but it also makes me want to travel a lot more!!! As if I dont have enough travel fever as it is ;)
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