Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mr. Fantastic

This weekend's been particularly good. Actually, this weekend plus the end of last week has been super nice. I've been our gardening on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was another organic garden apprentice day. That means that this week, from volunteering and knowing someone who runs a market I got the following for a total of $20 (most of it was free for volunteering):

- a shopping bag full of beautiful swiss chard
- a bag of organic green beans
- 5 pints of fresh organic raspberries
- 1.5 quarts of low spray (or organic?) blueberries
- 3 organic broccoli
- organic onions
- organic garlic
- organic zucchini
- 3 pints of organic (I think) tomatoes
- 7 huge basil plants, all of which I tried to plant, 5 of which look like they'll survive. pesto, here I come.

It's been a good week.
On saturday my friend Claire (hi Claire!) celebrated her 25th birthday with a canoe trip on the Grand river. It took 5 hours, and was super fun. I missed paddling, and it was a really nice fix. Then, we went back to her place for delicious burgers and drinks and conversation, and I'd say it was a wonderful evening altogether. plus, we saw shooting starts and I got to hod GPS relative of the model I think I'm going to get. Yay!

Rob's been going nuts getting ready for Hillside Festival.
It looks like it's going to be great and lots of fun. I've never been and I'll get a weekend pass and a chance to camp on the Island in Guelph Lake too. Super fine.

New idea: I'm on a quest for those silicon muffin trays. Not for baking, that ...kind of weirds me out, but I think they'll be perfect for freezing pucks of pesto and homemade vegetable stock. Freeze the pucks, toss them in a zip lock, and then grab and thaw what you need. Less annoying than using ice cube trays, just as effective (I hope) and easy to clean/store. That's tomorrow's quest, because I really, really want to make that pesto.

Also, I have 2 Christmas presents on the go, both kinda crafty, though one I won't know if it's good for months. Huh. Wish me luck :-)

Have a good day...

oh, the title of the post. we were talking about...something I don't remember when we decided that Mr. Fantastic would have been a great name for Ludwig. heh.


Anonymous said...

Our harvest so far pales in comparison... we have had 2 green peppers and some radishes from our garden. But it's organic! At least I think so - what do you need to do to qualify? The plants drink city water... that alone probably disqualifies us right away :-P

Captain Underpants said...

our arvest sucks too..some lettuce and 1.5 peas look good. plus herbs, so that's something. The gardents I work at are bigger and havemore labour associated, I guess that helps? Oh, and also knowledge!

There's a big difference between organic and certified organic. if you're certified, itmenas you can and do prove regularly that your land has beenorganic for t least 3 years, plus all imputs including manures and such. you get audited, and they check your yeild to your seed input to make sure you aren't producing a suspicius amount of food. you have to keep meticulous records and you can get screwed by being too close to a neighbouring farm that isn't organic. they are still sorting out the details so being an organic farmer right now is super tough. support your locals if you can!

shelley said...

You are so inspiring! I'm really intrigued about this canning thing - maybe when you have your next blitz I could come and see how its done?

also, wicked idea with the pucks of pesto and veggie stock. soooo gooood!

you are always a good source of ideas for things all relatd to food. and you know I love food! :))