Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Big weekend

Yay weekend! We made our way to the cottage this weekend. R took Friday off and we rented a little tiny car and drove all the way straight to the cottage. We rested, we swam, we ate (and ate) and had a really, really nice visit.

We did some other things while we were there. Mom and dad asked the people on our road to donate a firework for Sunday night. People came through a little better than that!

So, on Sunday night, Rob and Murray went out to a tiny little island called Magdelena Island and put on a full 30 minute show for the 4 or so boats sitting nearby!

Also: I finished my Fugl Icelandic sweater! Well, I finished it before the weekend, but my mom and sister helped me out big time and installed the zipper (after I *gasp* cut the knitting) so now I have the cardigan I've been wanting for a while! Check it out:

Before the cutting and the zipper went in.

During the surgery. It was very easy to cut...almost too easy. I'm glad it was all sewn up beforehand, because there is no going back.
Oops, I never righted the picture. Oh well, here it is all zipped up! Zipper goes up, zipper goes down!
Happy cardi at a happy cottage. I am happy!

Alright! So it was a very good weekend. Ooh, also, we saw a full arc rainbow running strongly from one island to another...actually it landed at the point where we swam to (when we did the "let's swim to the island party, woooo!").

Awesome weekend, and I'm loving the smell of lake on my skin.


Anonymous said...

so many levels of awesome here, it's hard to comment.

nice sweater! I don't think I could have cut it for the zipper if I had been the one that spent so much time knitting it...

Happy (belated...) Canada Day!

batman said...

holy fireworks! that must have been fun.

i'm glad to hear you were able to get away for the weekend.

oh, and congrats on finishing a sweater!! we're jealous over here, in the land of scarves.

batman said...

oh, and does this mean you have your camera back?