Tuesday, November 21, 2006

fo' sure

Well, I have a side project almost off the needles, but I won't post pictures or say anyhting until the recipient has it in her hot little hands. It's trally nice though and I want one!

I would also like to extend a bwlated welcome to my classmates who may nopw be periodically checking in to see about my hidden double life. heh.

Ummm, other than that I have to say that I'm loving this weather, because it means winter is coming!!! woot! I love the feeling of winter closing in, pushing me indoors to enjoy hot drinks, wooly clothes and winter only treats like maple taffy. I like to be bundled up and I have high hopes for the season in terms of outdoor fun. Since I'm back inthe snow belt I'm rally hoping we get a nicelong season out of it.

We've started using the record player more (again) and that makes me think back to my place before last in Ottawa, when my roomie and I would listen to Double Fantasy and skip all the John Lennon songs so we could sing along c'mon c'MON C'MONNNNN! (if you don't know the song I'm talking about OH MAN, you will laugh and love it. Yoko is a visionary)

James Taylor on the record player means winter to me, the same way Imogen Heap and Frou Frou does, and it's warm feelings of cozying up, knitting with my friends and being content. I love the changing of the seasons, maybe the only kind of change in my life that I'm pretty good at handling.

When school's out I'm looking forward to knitting up a storm and making some real progress with my skills and finished objects. I havea few projects in mind, some big and some small to distract me throughout the bigger ones. I have a few friends here who would like to learn to knit, so maybe I can help facilitate that.

Other than that, school is almost out (!!) so I have to get on all those things I left for....uh, now I guess. whee reading journals and assignment marking.

Regarding the assignments, my favourites (note sarcasm) are the second years who can't quite identify an ecosystem for their topic or who religiously quote wikipedia as their source of choice. Wow.

Have yourselves a lovely day and think snow Snow SNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

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