Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Call me co-dependent

Rob's in Toronto tonight and tomorrow till late doing a Wine Australia gig and then going to a didge show. I stayed home to make out with my school books. It's not the same. I have the worst time making myself go to bed when I'm alone. I play Nintendo. I make unbelievably salty and in this case, burned curry. I harass the cats. But I don't go to bed. Huh.

Other than that, Texas is on! I'm TA-ing for a trip that will hopefully run (if enough people sign up for it) and then I'll be going on a 12-15 day trip down to Tex-Ass and through a bunch of other states and staying in hotels (one of which is completely greeen with renewable energy and local organic foods!) etc etc. Cool stuff.

We're lerning lots about Local Economic Development, which is a field of study of its own. It's all about developing communititews the way they want to be developed, and about making businesses work, whatever they are. I'm not doing it justice, but it's super interesting an it's all new to me, so I'm listening as much as I can.


My ental checklists..

Before I leave the aprtment:
1. have wallet?
2. have keys?
3. have bike helmet?
4. anything left out that the cats can knock over and/or destroy?
5. Anythig the cats acan dig up/fish out/eat and then hurl later on?

When I return to the apartment:
1. cat as draft blocker at base of opening door?
2. put keys in easy to find place?
3. put wallet in easy to find place?
4. survey the apartment for cat damage including the plant, the aquarium, and everything that was on a surface

Is this common?


We got the fish foor our aquarium! One has already bit the dust :-( We got 4 fish (minus the one who got caught in the water pump intake and died a noble nd likely terrifying death), one dwarf frog who flats around and apparently requires expensive bloodworms to eat (was not aware of that at time of selection). 5 ghost shrimp, which, as you may have guessed by the name, are basically impossible to see and are considered a food source (have no idea where they are, if they are still alive), and one snail (who I am hoping will have copious amounts of babies). We will have to pick out a bottom feeder and I hope to get a few more snails, since they are my favourite aquarium dwellers. So far the cats just look at the fish, which is a testament to a) their total inability to recognize a food source other than kibble or b) their unbelievable laziness or c) they don't give a crap about anything other than the window sills.

Blogs with no pictures are often less fun. I will try to fix that a bit, especially if I find my camera.



batman said...

did you really lose your camera? if you did that really sucks. if it's somewhere then you'll find it and everything'll be fine.

personally, i don't mind posts without pictures. especially when i enjoy the writer (in your case this is true).

Captain Underpants said...

Aw, thanks for askig. The camera's not lost, just not directly beside me. It's in a drawer somewhere, if I just would look.

Thanks about the writing things:-) I like that you check in as much as you do.

batman said...

you mean you like that i have some time on my hands while at work and am able to stalk my friends' blogs!

some people are scared to comment, but i think it makes the blog more dynamic, less of a rant to the nothingness and more of a conversation. maybe just more personal. i don't know. but i like it and i like when people comment on my blog too. so it all works out.