Monday, May 22, 2006

t-minus aieeeeeee

Okay, so this is likely my last morning with the interwebs as we are packing everything up except the mattress today. The computer and net stuff will be returned this aft but disconnected as soon as really soon. Pretty much unless you read this while it's still steaming off the presses, call! Well, we can borrow from my sis, but you understand.

I've started into my slightly anxius phas, where I feel nostalgic and a little sad about leaving a chapter of my life behind. It's going to be good, but man, transitions, you know? We left the cats at R's parent's place yesterday and IT. SUCKS. TO. ABANDON. YOUR. PETS. Well, maybe it's more like a ...transfer of care. A babysitter. A temporary guardian. But I miss them. On the up side, we've had our apartment doors wide open to move stuff out AND I put a mug on a precarious ledge and had nothing to worry about. So that's nice.

Other than that, it's all fun times not unlike every other post regarding this trip. It'll be good, but I'll feel better when I find the melatonin and our bags are packed.

Anyhoo! It's all coming together, so that's good. I bet everyone, including ourselves will be a little bit surprised when we're moved out in time. But it'll happen, so that can't be so bad. You guys take care, I will continue posting things here as much as I can, and of course the trip journal, if you decide to look into that as well.

Have a fun holiday Monday!Happy 187th birthday Queen Vic! (ewwww! 187!)


Anonymous said...

Ah! I just realized that today is the day and it came WAY TOO QUICKLY! I guess I'll have to wait a bit to hear your sweet voice again :)

Looking forward to reading all about things until then (pretending I hear your voice narrating). Safe trip!!!!

batman said...

i can't wait for the scrambled trip posts and i'm sure you won't disappoint. i'll also be checking rob's trip journal thingy (haven't figured it out yet but i will). take lots of pictures and have a great time. look forward to reading all about it (and hearing about it in a bunch of months). and then we'll have a house-warming party, waterloo style!