Friday, February 24, 2006

wick-a-wick-a wack

So this morning we woke up the the hip rap stylings of LL Ludwig's single 'Dry Heaves' from his new album "Get Sick or Die Trying". He got sick. It was sick. Sick.

Goooooood Mooooooorning!

Actually, we had a relatively chipper morning despite the auspicious (heh) start. Maybe it's because subconsciously we were happy that we didn't wake up with the hurlies. I don't know. I did have a proper breakfast for once, though I forgot to take a banana which is a federal offense in the household, since we had literally 30+ of them to get through (thanks bulk discount at Loblaws! Low potassium is for suckers).

Sooooooo. I have been feeling pretty anxious lately. Somewhat due to work where I'm feeling like I'm not exactly employee of the month (fair enough) and because of a few mortifying moments at a recent meeting. But really I think it's a combo of work (and me feeling pretty ashamed of my errors) and planning for Australia and the after-Australia possibilities and getting stuff sorted out. I want to hear if I did or did not get into school so I can get on with my damn life! I kind of don't want to get it because if I do, there's my next two years planned, sort of. Maybe I could defer? But it would just be easier if I didn't get in anywhere and I could just re-apply where I really want to go, with all the funding applications and stuff and be really happy about that.

R and I made a big fat list in columns of all the stuff we have to do right now and eventually, and it relieved a lot of pressure for me. It's not an un-doable amount of stuff, we just needed to figure out what exactly needs to be looked after and get in on paper so it's not swirling around our heads. So, yay for stating stuff. It helps too. My GI tract is feeling great (read : I can't feel it) so it's progress.

I'm off to redeem myself at work as much as I can. Hooray for sucking less.

Also, just for the record, it makes me CRAZY when people who should know better confuse sub-conscious with unconscious. If you do something unconsciously it's because someone whacked you on the back of the head with a candlestick in the lounge, and what you did would then have to be something like moaning or soiling yourself and NOT that freudian slip where you called your teacher 'mom' in grade school.

Have a fabulous day! Enjoy a carrot.


batman said...

pukey mcpuke. yuck. what a crappy way to wake up (a pukey way to wake up?) gross.

i've woken up to rolo puking on me. that was almost enough to make me puke, but i settled with some gagging.

let's talk about flowers instead. you know, all the females in my "team" here got crocuses.. or some sort of flowers that they were selling in the building, from the director. all the females but me. what the hell?

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Well, I'm sure that no one would notice if you 'borrowed' one crocus from every vase.

Bring a tall glass to work on monday - collection time!